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Very nice work! Presentation is great... although I did hear some music from Final Fantasy / Chrono Trigger, I guess this is temp music? 

The game crashed for me after I made it to the powerplant & tried to teleport back to the Ark (this appears to happen every time when teleportig back).

I liked the game mechanics and controls. Personally, I don't care that much about the story in a platformer - still good to see that you gave it a lot of attention on it though!


Really appreciate the feedback (and the critical bug find!!), I'm happy to hear the central mechanics felt good to you. I'll definitely look into why the return back is causing the game to crash

There's definitely still a lot of placeholder music and art in this game, and I will probably look at replacing everything holistically if/when the time comes to get the licensing figured out. Until then, I really want to wrap up the rest of the game before doing so

Thank you again for giving the game a try!