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It was okay, actually. I was expecting some major comedy moment or something from what I read on the Discord server and here, and even the game title itself when I first saw this got uploaded before the jam deadline  (and knowing Aesica's way of humor), and so I was surprisingly disappointed it was okay for me. Yes, it's funny and very creative, and even the kind of humor I'm "supposed" to love, but somehow it felt okay when I played it. T_T My favorite part is how Priscilla appeared like in battle; for some reason that really had a reaction out of me XDDD And the flirting in the battle with Rosa. :P

Understandable, as everyone has different tastes in comedy. I do regret not giving Reid more interactions in the Roza “fight” though, since especially in the second round, he will probably get 2 actions before the fight ends instead of just one.