This game literally opens with a pair of magical girls smoking a joint with cans of beer beside them. I don't know why, but I found that ridiculously amusing and stayed on that opening frame longer than I really had any reason to.
Some of the dialogue expanded out of the text box at least on the web version. The character speaking is weakly highlighted, which is good, but I wish the highlight was even stronger.
I was very confused when Reaper Keeper and The Ancient One started talking. Are these characters offscreen? Voices from the sky? Or are our protagonists just high as kites? By the end I'd figured out that something was happening offscreen in front of our protagonists, but I really wish this was made more explicit. Having character graphics for them would have been great, but even a single establishing shot would have helped.
There seems to be some placeholder text in the game, though, so I'm wondering if it's just unfinished. It also ended really suddenly, and I'm not sure if that was intentional or not.
I wish there was more animation, too, but the character graphics are really nice and I can see why trying to get a bunch of animations into the game might have been a bridge too far.
Honestly, I feel the weird battle that came out of nowhere was a mistake. Even as barebones as it was, it was probably a fair bit of work, and the battle itself is so limited in terms of interaction that it doesn't really add anything to the gameplay. As I mentioned before, it was confusing, and almost a distraction narratively. This game is absolutely at its best when it's just Molly and Khloe shooting the breeze, mulling over magical girl problems and normal people problems and growing up and how it all fits together. The dialogue may not to be everyone's taste but I found it sharp, witty, and very entertaining.
As it stands, this is certainly one of the more interesting entries. I'd really like to see it cleaned up a bit, with a clearer ending.