Sorry the following appears after I download, file and latest patch, can you help me?0.38.2win
Game has encountered a bug. Please report it.
Error Failed to execute 'drawlmage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The HTMLImageElement provided is in thebroken' state.
atFunctionGraphics paintUpperCanvas (rpg corejs:2569-17)
at Function.GraphicsupdateLoading (rpg core.js:1969:10)
at FunctionSceneManager.onSceneLoading (rpд _managers.js:2046:14)
at FuncionSceneManager.renderScene (rpg managers.js:2033:14)
at FuncionSceneManager.updateMain (rpg managers.js:1987:10)
at FunctionSceneManager.update (rpg managers.js:1907:14)
Press F5 to restart the game.