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Did I complete the game?: I played for 30-40 minutes and sadly could not figure out how to complete it. I kept dying and when the resident would lead me to the circle with the monsters he would get stuck in his walk cycle, so I'm not sure if he was supposed to go somewhere else afterwards.. but basically I would just die every time. I tried looking around too and running away pretty far.

What I liked: the 3D models were great. the voice acting was great and the words were cool and moody. and the atmosphere was cool. I liked the idea of using the camera to see the ghosts etc. it made for a scary experience when the monsters started chasing me. I liked the person who kept spinning and you couldn't see their face. That was clever. 

What I would suggest: It might have just been me but the opening scene I could barely hear any of the words. The music was too loud. The fog is way too intense. Like so intense that playing for 30 minutes hurt my eyes. I was constantly squinting to try to see. I like the idea of it, but yeah tone it down a little. The sherrif and as I mentioned the other resident got stuck in their animations and didn't keep moving. They just stayed in place. 

Overall: Great atmosphere and mood. Has potential to be a fun and really engaging experience, but I felt lost as to what I should do. I wandered around a lot and really was clueless and didn't discover the camera thing until half way through. So yeah, clearer guidance on what I'm doing or more characters/people just giving hints and things would be better. I can see you put a lot of work and effort into this though, so I want to acknowledge that this is impressive for a jam game.

Ah damn  - sorry didnt have enough time to put enough hints/other Characters - Youre supposed to get into the Car again after you've seen ,,some things,, - That will lead to the ending :D

Ahhh that was my last idea that I didn't try. I kept thinking I'd be able to "beat" it somehow. They'd usually kill me before I got to the car, but I got to say great experience overall. It has a lot of potential!