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(1 edit)

How far did I get?: I scored 21 points and was able to complete the game!

What I liked: I still stand by my original comments that the concept is good! The look and feel of the game is much better now that is complete. I liked that it was a little bit complicated as well.

What I would suggest: Like I said, it is a complicated. This is good for this type of game, but maybe it's a little too complicated to guess what ingredients go into it. 

Overall: I liked this game! I'd love to see more orders and more ingredients to work with. :) Great job finishing in time!

did I complete the game?: I did not. Unfortunately I could not make the first potion because I could not figure it out. I tried several things, but nothing seemed to be doing anything. I noticed the ingredients were slowly growing smaller

what i liked: The concept is good! I like the idea of a little poison maker, and witches are always cool. The overall look of the game reminds me of games I played in the early 2000s which is nostalgic, so that was nice. 

what I would suggest: Maybe add clearer instructions on how the game works or please complete it if it's unfinished still.

overall: This could be a fun game, but as of right now I wasn't able to experience it. It's still an accomplishment to have taken part in a jam and to have built what you built, so you can be proud of that!


by mistake i uploaded the incomplete version last time. try now.