Very in-depth, thanks.
There isn’t a water limit anywhere, although it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to have one. Is there text in the game anywhere that said there is?
Not a bad idea, I’ll look at adding that for the next one
Lol, whoops
I thought about allowing people to click on a calendar date and “skip to this day,” but I don’t want people to accidentally skip too far ahead and cause plant values to drop farther than they wanted - but if enough people bring it up I’ll see about ways to speed it up. I might reduce the amount of time you have to wait for plants to grow, at least for the early-game ones.
I’ve seen a few people complain about this, it’s never happened to me but I’ll see if I can find out where it’s coming from.
I can’t get that to happen - but I think I know why it might be, so I’ll try to throw in a simple fix for that next time
Yeah I’ll implement that eventually, I wanted to have the entire save/load system and all of that stuff in place for demo day but there wasn’t enough time