Imaginary Traveller
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sometimes the character doesnt jump when i pressed jump,maybe because there isnt jump buffer
the games also lags out a bit when the character is hurt by spikes
the conversations also keep looping in 1-2(i got the wine conversation first)
i saw someone beating the water puzzle properly while i just run fast and brute forced it lol
(i think both are actually intended)
will trade stone blocks back for cloud blocks for 3.33 ref
cloud blocks in general downplays player planning(instead of players being rewarded for accurate uses of platform by having more ground to move around,cloud blocks just vanish) and makes the action very fixed
but boss fight 2 is cool,while the new enemies are 50/50
not sure if i am dreaming but control feels less smooth than 1
the most normal way to extend in the air is the keep your tounge out,thus here are the most common techs
a:use your tongue horizontally at the big empty part of screen to float horizontally
b:spam toungue left/right in short distance to float in air(not recommended)
c:spam tongue upwards in short distance to stay in air
d:spam tougue upwards above the screen to stay forever in air
p90 rush b simulator
the low firepower of the player combined with being unable to shoot up or down turns the game into a damage boost simulator ,which results in some enemies like the ones that knock away your platforms are much less scary that the ones than can chase you everywhere(esply when the terrarin/dodging space is limited,)
(special mention to the ball head enemie which while dumping a lot of bullets around,also chases you everywhere while also being tanky
i also hate the HAHAHA enemies unsurprisingly)
as a result,the stages that spawn enemies slowly become a breeze and vice versa
might have went better if it were just a timer instead of king of the hill so the player does not need to be glued to the candle
the build your own stage sounds great in paper and i had a lot of expectations for it, but having to do it in a shmup style makes it feel more like a choir instead unfortunately
hate to agree with the other guy but this might be the weakest entry so far,the art is amazing as usual but unfortunately i am a man of gameplay first
in general the puzzle platformer genre is a headache genre
because developer have to carefully balance out action and puzzling while they are kinda conflicting to each other,and its very easy for the game to slide too much into the action side or the puzzle side
(to be honest its just much easier to focus on the puzzle side while keeping the action part minimum,or vice versa)