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You raise a good point there.

I might expand on your idea a bit and add a global flat sell transaction cost, that way the same issue won't arise if you get other towers very cheap via buffs or later via meta upgrades. But I wonder if that is the best solution, juggling is a valid/preferred tactic for some type of players, so I don't really want to erase it entirely, but it should definitely not be the immediate goto, or only way to deal with the game, especially before hitting freeplay.

Another thing that is currently partly in the game is a rage mechanic, if a hero is alive for more than 100 seconds, it start to apply a 10% movement force buff every 10 seconds, this somewhat counteracts infinite cc setups. I could add some speed buff to that as well, that should at least stop players from being able to juggle indefinitely.

Can I ask from what point on this felt like the only real way to play? My intention was that at least Simple and Average maps, on Easy and Normal are playable in a ... normal way. 


I felt this was necessary with hard difficulty.

I didn't notice the rage mechanic. I did notice that the berserkers were going at pretty crazy speeds, and juggling them required a snaking path, where they would constantly hit the snags.

Easy / Normal was doable without juggling. I needed to juggle at the start for Hard on maps where there wasn't a built in maze.

I can imagine not experiencing the global rage mechanic, since heroes being alive for more than 100 seconds is kind of an edge case, and even after that it takes a while before the buff stacking makes it noticable.

The berserkers have their own rage mechanic on top of that, going up to a 4x speed once their hp reaches 25%, at that point they are really running mindlessly into walls a lot. (I initially had them scale up to 10x speed at 10% hp, it was crazy).

I have noticed that the berserkers tend to be a bit of a jump in difficulty. For now I think it's fine, but depending on how things go I might give them a small nerf.