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A member registered Jan 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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Should be fixed now

Ah, each mod is connected to a specific map, you can see which one by clicking on details, beating that map on easy/normal/hard/hextreme will unlock tier 2/3/4/5.

I know i should make the information somewhat more clearly available. (I'm really bad at menus and the like)

In the mods menu, if you have 2 of the same mod you can push the arrow to the right, and get 1 of a higher tier.

(1 edit)

The bug should be fixed now.

Sorry it took a while, and thanks for letting me know :)

(it should not be necessary to reset data for the unlocks to work properly)

Sorry for buggy mess, i though i had most of the gamebreaking stuff out by now.

Any chance you remember which map you played that broke the unlock stuff? Also did all evil maps unlocks and nothing else?

(1 edit)

I'm gonna look into finding out why this is going wrong, and adding a reset option. For now, as a bit of a hacky solution you can try downloading a fresh savefile here:

From the main menu > other > restore save, you should be able to reset if you select this file.

(I was able to reproduce the issue on live, it seems it will keep happening, i will try to fix this asap. Thanks for bringing it to my attention)

If you clear a Simple map you unlock Avarage, clear an Avarage to unlock Complex, clear Complex to unlock Evil.

Thank you so much for the feedback and the kind words :)

The Grove (and the Barricade) not having a radius is actually not a bug but a less than ideal decision on my side. They both have 0 radius before upgrades, because they don't really do anything with it, and the show radius function display a weird dot, aka a size 0 circle, so I removed showing radius all together when it's too small. I did notice how annoying it is to see what is selected, but forgot to actually do anything about it... Should be a quick fix show their range from the start, I'll have it added at the next update.

Lack of free time is a little of column A, little column B. I'm learning Japanese as hobby, and am taking the JLPT at the start of July, but am kinda way behind, so most of my productive free time is going to studying. It's a hobby, so fun enough, but being behind is stressful xD

Either way, once the exam is done I'll have a lot more time to focus on the game.

I can imagine not experiencing the global rage mechanic, since heroes being alive for more than 100 seconds is kind of an edge case, and even after that it takes a while before the buff stacking makes it noticable.

The berserkers have their own rage mechanic on top of that, going up to a 4x speed once their hp reaches 25%, at that point they are really running mindlessly into walls a lot. (I initially had them scale up to 10x speed at 10% hp, it was crazy).

I have noticed that the berserkers tend to be a bit of a jump in difficulty. For now I think it's fine, but depending on how things go I might give them a small nerf.

You raise a good point there.

I might expand on your idea a bit and add a global flat sell transaction cost, that way the same issue won't arise if you get other towers very cheap via buffs or later via meta upgrades. But I wonder if that is the best solution, juggling is a valid/preferred tactic for some type of players, so I don't really want to erase it entirely, but it should definitely not be the immediate goto, or only way to deal with the game, especially before hitting freeplay.

Another thing that is currently partly in the game is a rage mechanic, if a hero is alive for more than 100 seconds, it start to apply a 10% movement force buff every 10 seconds, this somewhat counteracts infinite cc setups. I could add some speed buff to that as well, that should at least stop players from being able to juggle indefinitely.

Can I ask from what point on this felt like the only real way to play? My intention was that at least Simple and Average maps, on Easy and Normal are playable in a ... normal way. 

Thanks for playing, and thank you a lot for the feedback!

I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

The lack of info was originally intentional, I thought the since the game is quite stat heavy it would be more accessible if I didn't show those too prominently, but I got this feedback back from a friend I forced convinced to playtest for me as well, so I am now thinking of how to make it more clear.

Right now I'm thinking to start with adding additional upgrade text that explains directly what everything does, numbers and all, and add a option to show either Direct, Flavor, or Both.

Later I might add something to show all current stats for a tower, but that is slightly more work, so on the back burner for now xD.

The Wyrm was a rather dumb oversight yeah, added a quick sentence about it on dev build. Gonna take a look at the spider web as well.

As for the meta upgrades, I hope they'll work out well, as of now my ideas are still rather uninspired.

Seriously thank you so much for taking the time to give feedback! It's super valuable since I don't really have any playtesters, and my own experience turns out to be a bit skewed.