I'm unaware how ithcio handles updates, I think there is an app that does it automatically. If you aren't usign it, you can redownload the game. Just make sure to make a backup before transfering Saves. (make a backup of your saves too!)
If for some reason your saves aren't being read by the new update. Here is a fix, do the following. Make sure to read all before trying.
>Back up your saves. (important)
>Start a new game in the newest version without any saves.
>Continue until you can save and save in the same slots you have in the previous version, these slots should appear Empty. The game needs to know those saves slot exists before allowing a transfer, then close the game.
>Go to Delve Into Pawssion > www > Saves
>Grab your saves and paste them in this folder, it will ask you to overwrite the new saves you just created. After this, the game should be able to read them.
And once again, make sure you have a backup of your saves!