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A member registered Feb 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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WIP means Work In Progress. It just means is content that is still in development.

The other 2 points are still WIP

if you mean the small room you just need to find the combination using the blue and red symbols. If you want a specific solution please askin the spoiler topic.

1.- Yes I can sell you a key but I need you to contact me in other places where I can send a private message.
You can check here:
You can send me an note over Furaffinity, inkbunny or Twitter.
2.- If you already cleared Mountain Pass then you already should be able to locate it. If you want a specific answer please ask in the Spoiler topic.

Oh you mean the battle in general? Well it is meant to be difficult since is the strongest boss in thsi version (0.7). All Ican suggest is to collect everything you can to get stronger. There is no plans on making him weaker at the moment.

You have a Skill that can counter his Meteor, or you can also bait him into wasting his TP bar.
If you want more details you can ask.

Not sure  what you mean, I dont know what is "joy play".

(1 edit)

Unfinished or pending content has a WIP mark. There is a hint in the game for how to get to the island.

You trade shinies with Glimmer

Hello, it shouldn't be bugged. However, some players seems to be missing a specific figure when trying to solve it. Pay much attention when assembling the figures, they need to be exactly the same.

If you want a solid solution you can ask in the spoiler topic.

She isnt a secret boss.  You need to "defeat" her to progress in the story.

All I can say without spoiling is keep an eye on your"Status icon" during battle and change the way you act accordingly. If you wish to know directly how to defeat her. Please ask in the Spoiler topic:

Not sure what you mean. The game isnt downloaded from Subscribestar.

Some pose? What do you mean?

Not right now, there is part of her quest that is unfinished.

I got reports of that last shiny, it seems one of them is bugged or got bugged in past saves. i'll think in on how to fix it. However, I havent been able to pinpoint exactly which one is it.

(2 edits)

If you want specifics please check on the spoiler post, I added some tips there at the bottom for now:

I think you can update it automatically if you have Itchio app (haven't confirmed)

If that fails, you can simply redownload it, and move the save folder from your old save to the new one. Have a Save folder backup at all times.

As far I know, you dont need to pay extra even if I increase the price. You should be able to retain the access.

Which last 2 by the way?

That one is for beating  Lv15 Blackjack.

I'm having trouble understanding what you say. To progress in the game you need to "beat" Nova, you just need to do enough damage to her and survive, then the battle will end succesfully, after that follow her instructions.

Hello. to complete those puzzles you need to add blue symbols and remove red symbols, is ideal you follow the order in the slots to get the proper final combination.

As for Vail, the mount of damage the barrels take counts,  depending on how well you did you get better rewards. However, if you let the barrels get damaged too much or destroyed, the NSFW wont happen, since the quest will be considered as "failed". However, regardless of the outcome, Artwork can be recovered at later points in the game (not avaiable in the current version)

I had reports of the shiny being missing. But I checked and all shinies exist. So one in particular is hidden enough to be missed. I think I'll update a bit later the guide to show all locations for those who have problems  finding it.

All sidequests should either have a WIP or a Completed checkmark.
As for Blackjack, I suggest to look at the skills you have. If you want specific answers you can ask on the Spoiler/Guide post

Several people seems to be missing 1 shiny, it makes me wonder if it's bugged or if I hided it very well.

The best advice I can give is backtrack to a certain place where you normally wouldnt go alone, maybe you are missing that one. If you want a direct answer ask me in the Spoiler post.

At the map screen, click rapidly on the island or hold click. 

Yes, Blackjack is beatable, the player have the tools at that point to deal with his special attack.

Did you met all characters in the Side Quest tab? There is one in particular that requires some backtracking to meet and a shiny is there.

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You havent beaten Blackjack. As fo the quest, that one is a secret area. Make sure to read your Info items about an Island and try to access it based on the hint, but you also need to get the info first in-game from Side Beta.

You must go to the portal at the Forest

I do have a Subscribestar where people can donate:
Sorry for the late reply.

The game patch is nearly done and it's under testing, I won't say a date but I'll say it will be released in the following weeks. I just need to make sure there is no bugs or at least the minimum.

The shiny objects will begin having an use in the next patch.

The thorns will be posible to remove in the next patch too!

As for the holes, some are decorations but on the next patch some will have an use.

As for the bosses, not sure what you mean but you almost cleared it up. When entering the caves did you go to the right side at the very start?

If you cleared the right side at the very start you may be experiencing a bug, so let me know.

The next patch will have indicators on what parts are accesible and what arent.

Thank you for playing! The paid version has a lot of changes and upgrades, I hope you enjoy it more. Unfortunately I dont think I can add voice actors though.

Thank you!

It's a base price increase, not a DLC. If you already bought the game you don't need to pay anything and are unaffected. This is only for people who buys the game after the patch.

Which area are you having trouble with?
Is it the paid version or the Demo version?

Tell you what I can or want? What you mean?

(1 edit)

Yeah there is, the demo is starting to be very outdated but it should help you get the general idea. So if you buy the early access expects several changes.

Is still on the works, I've been very busy and that kind of delays the update. I'm close to finish the update but I rather not give a date.

Yes, I've just been massively busy, I'll try to update it soon, as for Stripe, I think I messed up something since I received some feedback similar to yours, I'll give it a look and try to patch it next time I do an update

Did you try running the game in a different computer?

Side Beta quest isn't active yet. The game isn't too clear with what is available and what isn't. Once I patch the game again I'll put a clear indicator to reduce the confusion.