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this game is really really so good- I can relate to the game (I hear all you voice note in the extras!) I also took antidepressants for a lot of years- No one worked for me. I didn’t really get why, to be honest- I stopped with those when I was “in a better moment” in my life (it was really hard to-), cuz I was losing literally some parts of my life’s, I forgot a lot of stuff- It was pretty weird. I do stuff that i would actually never do in my daily basis, my sister told me about it. It really crazy to be honest. About the game, bunnies are my fav! Like I live with bunnies since I was a child, I agree a lot with the opinion about animal/specialty bunnies/ I actually have said stuff like that in my life haha, a lot. My bunny “Chispita” was really important to me, so I totally agree~ Thank you so much for the game, also, Phonobabble voice is really amazing. I hope I can play again, I’m going to wait to play again for my actually birthday day haha~ (13/08)  Thank you so much, take care Melancholyy~ Prob I’m doing a fanart soon for Blythe!

I'm glad you like it :3

That sucks that they didn't work for you either :( My doctors over the years couldn't really explain to me why they didn't work for me, haha. They just kept saying that's how it is >.< and to try a different one. I'm glad you managed to stop taking them even if it was difficult. It's the worst to be on medication that's not even helping you, but have to fight to actually get off of it :(

I'm sorry you were losing parts of your life like that. It was similar for me too. I feel like if you're going to be put on medication like that, it should only be if you have family/friends around you who can keep an eye on you and notice any changes, like you say with your sister telling you about stuff. Because if you're on your own, then it's gonna be really hard to notice if stuff is happening that's weird >.< and if you're on your own, you might end up stuck forever! So yeah, I feel like meds like that are much more dangerous than they're made out to be.

Bunnies are the best :D and Chispita is such a cute name for a bunny! I miss our bunny Spoops a lot even though it's been a while since he passed away. The house was always so much more lively with him around :3 And it was sweet to cuddle up with him and watch TV, haha. He would wait for us to sit on the floor, and then he'd come over and either flop or turn into a bunny loaf next to us and fall asleep, haha. I really wish we could have more bunnies around cos they do bring a lot of joy! My dad doesn't want to get any pets though because he said it hurts too much when they die :(

Thank you so much for playing the game :3 And I know it's super early, but I'll wish you a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advance \^-^/ And ooo, I'd love to see it if you do end up making fanart for Blythe <3