It is great to see that a lot of these Magical Girl game submissions have very strong character designs!
This game is no exception and I am liking the clean and simplified designs. Reminds me of a "Fairly Oddparents" design.
The puzzles were pretty interesting! I like that the smoke has it's own controls + mechanics to help the player.
What was strange to me was the smoke having a collision box, since it can't go through solids or other items. But I am guessing this is needed for the switch controls, where the smoke will stand on a button to help the player progress.
Speaking of functionality, it would be great to see some expansion on these mechanics! I was thinking maybe the smoke can be used to obscure cameras, that might attack the player if they are in their field of vision. Or an enemy that can capture the smoke, disabling the use of the smoke mechanic, requiring the player to defeat that enemy to get your smoke ability back.
As for feedback, I feel the controls could use a bit of tweaking, maybe also add more control options with other keys that accomplish the same actions or even gamepad controls. (Just a personal preference.)
Also, maybe for the smoke itself, emphasizing that the smoke has been selected (maybe changing the opacity between the states) would be helpful, since initially, I wasn't sure about the game mechanics and didn't realize that the smoke was selected/ in use. (Though the character in her thinking pose did show he was in use.)
As for the fighting section, this might need some more changes + updates.
Overall, I like this game, it has charm and potential! Hopefully, more puzzles can be added, some minor tweaks to the game and some additional mechanics + gimmicks for the levels and you'll have yourself a pretty solid game!
Good luck with the game jam!