I will definitely be attempting to make a website at some point with the place you mentioned to me when I get a chance. That is something I actually can do at least :3 Just gotta wait for my stupid arm to heal up before I can really do much of anything >.<
I'm outta luck for irl help from anyone when it comes to social media though cos I don't have many people that I interact with face to face, and the family I do see (and the one irl friend that I have) are all social media averse same as me xD All of em autistic the same as me, and all refuse to even make social media accounts, haha. It's one of the reasons my old therapist put me on a waiting list for a helper cos she said it would be good to have someone who can enable me to do more in the areas that my autism restricts me. It's a proper scheme they have to help folks with ASD just get an extra helping hand, but I've been on the list for so long now without any word of if I'm ever gonna get the help that I can't actually remember how long it's been. Over 2 years at this point at the very least >.< I have a feeling its probably not gonna happen cos funding was cut for mental health services where I live.