The game runs at about 7 FPS, but that's probably just my proton instance being weird.
There is a strange interlacing effect when anything moves, I am not sure if that is a problem on my end.
I managed to escape the dungeon with the zombies and arrived in a town, but I was broke and entered another dungeon. I was defeated by the inventory screen that appeared that I could not close.
Decided to start again, but this time none of the zombies can move and I could not target anything. Hitting escape and then closing the escape menu cleared that up.
Technical issues aside, I think the time freeze should last as long as you need it, rather than have a set timer. It's a bit of a struggle to setup all the attacks in the time you get, especially when there are multiple enemies.
All of the stats and items are a nice touch, and the grid based inventory is always good to see. I really liked the sound design in this game also. I think given some polish and bug fixes, this could be a very interesting game to play through.