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A member registered Feb 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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I am still working on it at this time, I aim to have a new version out by the end of this year.

Hi Captain Coder, thank you very much for the praise. We intend to polish the game up a bit more in the near future so keep an eye out

Thank you kindly for streaming the game!

Hi garrett, thanks for playing. The goal was to create a game that wasn't just an entry to the competition. But I can see how it is difficult to invest time when there are so many other games to play.

Hi gooby, thanks for playing! The random elements are what I enjoyed the most too.

Hi NikaKh, I am glad you enjoyed the power creep element. I really wanted to include a sense of power escalation as you moved through the game. 

Your RNG must be amazing if you got three secret items, the chance is 0.1%

I don't think the duality meter is explicitly explained.

The text at the start is just the story, there's no need to comprehend it to enjoy the game. 

Thanks again for playing, and keep an eye open for future updates!

Interesting game, I liked the dimensional shifting concept. The level elements translating into place was really well done.

Thank you kindly for your help getting the game to run, I managed to beat it on my second attempt. 

It was a bit of a puzzle, but I eventually figured out that you need to save up two fountains to get past the conga line of shades to get the magic sword.  Unfortunately, only two of my party members survived to be victorious.

Overall I liked the game, the aesthetic was definitely one of a classical dungeon crawler, well done on that. The duality concept was appropriate with the alternative dimension of evil. 

I wish the game was a little bit longer, or had more to do but I understand the time constraint. My only technical gripe was the text log which scrolled a lot slower than I could read, but that's of no consequence anyway. 

Haha! I am glad you had a fun time playing. Congratulations on finding a secret item, the chance is quite low. 

There are a few other joke items to find, in future there will be a lot more. 

I am sorry that the combat turn calculation is incorrect, I neglected to compare the speed of your own team members. In an ideal world, if the outlaw  had a higher speed stat you would have been able to cheese your way through the entire game!

Hi zooperdan, thank you kindly for playing.  My apologies that the font was not  setup adequately. I intend to develop this game post-jam so your feedback is quite welcome. 

I can absolutely adjust the camera settings, I may even make it a user configurable option. The small size of the tiles is largely environmental setting, I find that too many dungeon crawlers have very large tiles and it feels like you are navigating an underground parking garage and not a claustrophobic labyrinth, but that is just personal preference. 

The potions are all permanent, the only temporary buff in the game is the defend ability in combat. 

I'm glad you liked the default sword and the UI effects, the screen transitions were almost cut out as you may know. 
Additional bindings are very easy to implement, so that's going right on the list for the next version.
The combat could indeed use more fleshing out, my intention was to add more spells, elemental damage and buffs. That will happen after I throw out the entire combat system and start again from scratch.

Thanks again for playing, and thanks for your feedback!

Thank you Yurga, it was an extremely hard week. I am still trying to catch up on sleep at this time. In the 7 days I think I worked around 110 hours or so. Thanks for playing!

Hi vlzvl, thanks for playing my game. My apologies that the control scheme was not immediately intuitive. 
I considered having the combat exit immediately, but I was torn as some people may wish to read the final combat text.  (I may make it an option in further revisions of the game).
I believe godot 4 uses vulkan by default, I did not realize the hardware support was limited. I will consider adding 'pre launch options' that will hopefully enable users to change the rendering pipeline. 

Thanks Ypsilon, I think I will!

Thank you kindly for playing my game, Grumpy GameDev. I am glad you enjoyed it. The combat system technically supports multiple encounters, but I don't think I ever managed to get a 2v2 during testing. May be a bug.  Not having to pick a target when there's one enemy is a great suggestion, I never even thought of it !

I am sorry about that map generation bug, I encountered it a few times, but I couldn't work out how to fix it. The game is balanced around clearing every floor yes, so if you get unlucky and end up with a very small floor you are unfortunately doomed.

Hello Maddie, I am glad that you enjoyed the game and found it humerous. Did you manage to beat it?

Generally speaking, the items don't matter too much, just equip the ones with bigger numbers and chug all the potions. Each level multiplies the stats of the items you find, the worst thing you can do is not equip new  ones and not chug all the potions.

Hi Dave thanks for playing, I am sorry about the font visiblity, did you try playing in full screen mode?
I enjoyed making the procedural elements of the game the most, but towards the end I was fighting the code more often than adding features.

Thanks for playing, I am very sorry you encountered some bugs that I didn't even find! 

So far, I think I will polish the game and publish it. But first I will throw out a lot of the buggy systems and start from scratch.
There were quite a few features that never made it, such as characters getting new spells and a dimensional shifting system.

I am not sure if I completed the game 100%, but I found the sacred robe, relic shield and relic sword, killed both spiders and defeated the necromancer, there didn't seem to be any resolution to the story?

The monster artwork is profoundly hideous, I mean that in the best way possible, bravo!

The dimensional mirroring is fitting for the duality theme I think.

I found the combat to be a bit too easy overall, I didn't die at all, but maybe I was just lucky in finding all the items straight away.

The game runs at about 7 FPS, but that's probably just my proton instance being weird. 

There is a strange interlacing effect when anything moves,  I am not sure if that is a problem on my end. 

I managed to escape the dungeon with the zombies and arrived in a town, but I was broke and entered another dungeon.  I was defeated by the inventory screen that appeared that I could not close.

Decided to start again, but this time none of the zombies can move and I could not target anything.  Hitting escape and then closing the escape menu cleared that up. 

Technical issues aside, I think the time freeze should last as long as you need it, rather than have a set timer. It's a bit of a struggle to setup all the attacks in the time you get, especially when there are multiple enemies. 

All of the stats and items are a nice touch, and the grid based inventory is always good to see. I really liked the sound design in this game also. I think given some polish and bug fixes, this could be a very interesting game to play through.

I very much liked the feel of this one, and the amount of polish is very evident!

However, I found the combat to be too much of a challenge, some encounters left me wondering if I was missing some type of key item, or if was even meant to defeat the encounter (isaac for instance).

The map design and trap design is creative, and well thought out. The combat system itself is very well designed. I feel as though this title may be a winner!

Thanks for playing Kevin!

The blue text was on my list, but unfortunately I didn't get to it in time. Generally speaking you can just chug all of the potions you pickup and the result is an overall net gain in stats. I added some additional functionality to facilitate this, you can just spam click the use on button.

The speed calculation does determine who goes first, but if I recall correctly it only determines the order between you and the enemies, not your own team. 

I am aware of the player being able to attack multiple times if they are fast enough, let's call it a 'feature' to reward fast clicks ;P

Did you manage to beat the game? So far I am only aware of three people who have managed to defeat the end boss.

Thanks for playing, I understand that the dithering decreases the visibility. Rest assured that is intentional.
The procgen is very buggy, yes. In some rare instances the player started outside the map! 
I was just tacking features on to the procgen as I added them.

If the response to the game is overall good, I think I will rewrite it. 

I found the first survivor, but not the second, maybe the second is required to beat the game. 

(1 edit)

Hello, I like the theme of this game. However, I am not sure how to progress through the game without dying, there doesn't appear to be a way to heal or dodge the attacks?

On my first attempt I whacked all the plants I could find with my blue (fish?) but I died relatively quickly, on my second attempt I ignored the plants and made it a bit further but still ran out of health eventually.

Thanks for supporting linux!

There does not appear to be any gameplay to this, just some screaming face thing?

Because I can't seem to vote zero stars in all categories, I have elected to not vote at all. 

At least the 'game' runs on linux. 

(1 edit)

I really enjoyed this game, the only problem I had with it was that it was too short. I think it should be fleshed out, teched out, polished and published honestly. 

For the distant textures looking like gravel, try the mip-maps or fog. 

Thank you for supporting Linux !

(1 edit)

While this does fit the theme quite well, and I like the vertical aspect to the levels, the way the game plays out is off-putting to me. It seems as though I must perform a series of actions in a very specific order to progress, and this can only be solved through trial and error. 

If the map was proc-gen I would enjoy the game a lot more. I enjoy the transitions to open areas quite a lot however. 

Thank you for supporting linux users!

I squeezed the dew onto the lit tea!

Thank you for supporting linux. 

I enjoyed the simple art style, the controls took a little while to get used, but once I did it was easy. 

The game was a little bit too easy, but maybe I just had good luck finding hats and knives. 

Unfortunately I couldn't get this game to run. 

error while loading shared libraries: libXcursor.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I think this may be because it is a 32 bit binary, but I am not entirely sure. I installed libxcursor-dev to no avail, I already had the libxcursor1 library

I enjoyed the mining mechanics, but the movement would often glitch and I could not return to the flag in time. 

Hi Gurkus, by strafing I mean moving left and moving right. For example:  instead of turning to the left, moving forwards and then turning to the right, you can just 'sidestep' to the left. 

Hi Laster, thanks for playing my game. I do apologize for the music, I had to make it at the last minute, since our sound guy ghosted. 

I really enjoyed the art style and music, the automap is a great feature also. 

The combat was really confusing to me, Initially.
It wasn't clear who was doing what, when, and what positions indicated who was active?
I died to the first combat encounter a few times untill I figured out that the party doesn't rotate when the view does. 

I did find the sneed  closet  (formerly chucks?)

A lot of the enemies I encountered simply ran away?

I got up to the second encounter room a few times, but there was so many enemies I just couldn't get past it. 

I feel as the the game log should have been incorporated into the display.

Overall, I enjoyed this game, I enjoyed the theme of it the most. I am sorry that I was not able to complete it. 

Hello! I am not quite sure what I was meant to do in this one. I refreshed the page a view times and explored a few different dungeons. 

I managed to make it up to the light area, but I was overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of geometric face people.
I loved the aesthetics of this game, it reminded me a lot of the first phantasy star game(it had dungeon crawling!), which I played on gameboy a lot. 

It took me a few minutes, but I eventually got objective: Done

It wasn't abundantly clear which direction I should have been dodging in, but otherwise I managed to spam enough attacks to make it through.

I enjoyed the concept of the street brawling dungeon crawling and the 80's theme / soundtrack was a nice touch. 

The timing for the steroids syringe was a bit hard to use, It often ran out before I could get into combat, maybe it should have just empowered a few attacks instead.

Hi Xpost, thanks for playing my game. The more useful potions are named 'Healing potion of' and 'Mana potion of' respectively,  the rest you can just chug from the inventory screen. 
I enjoy opening doors a lot so I made sure there were lots to open, thanks!

Hi vallian, thanks for playing. Each level is guaranteed to have a ladder, If you can't find it for some reason it is the red square on the minimap and always appears near the top left.