Nice pixelated style and dungeon with nice atmosphere!
I am normally not a deck-builder fan but for some reason I think it works well in a dungeon crawler. Nice touch with the brewing of potions that can be thrown. It could be taken further with other types of potions (explosive, concussive, burning, freezing etc).
I wish the game started out a little bit easier with shorter encounters. Maybe a handful of weak enemies that you would kill after a brew or two, so you could gradually get your feet wet before meeting those with 25+ hp. They were also cleansing and healing themselves so the combat took forever.
The popup info was hard to read in the deck screen but was alright when fighting.
All in all a solid entry that with some small adjustments could be a solid crawler!
The perspective could've been improved a little bit. Because of the small tile size the player can't see parts of the floor and corners on the current tile and that makes orientation a little bit more difficult. This can be solved by increasing tile size in combination with pulling the camera back a little bit or by increasing the FOV slightly.
+1 for volume adjustments