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Loved the whole idea of powercreep through the potions... found secret item though (wiskey) and a ferret couple of times ;] Duality concept wasn't clear to me until I got message in chat that circle in the bottom left is a meter and not the day/night cycle i thought it is. I guess that big text at the start that scared me had explanation and I just skimmed through it without noticing - if so, my bad!

It was a blast to play through and def will play it again for other endings at a later date.

Hi NikaKh, I am glad you enjoyed the power creep element. I really wanted to include a sense of power escalation as you moved through the game. 

Your RNG must be amazing if you got three secret items, the chance is 0.1%

I don't think the duality meter is explicitly explained.

The text at the start is just the story, there's no need to comprehend it to enjoy the game. 

Thanks again for playing, and keep an eye open for future updates!

Damn.. there goes all my luck for next few years looks like hahaha! 

I will try to keep an eye for the updates then :]