Love the visuals! I died in my very fist battle though before managing to add anyone to my party -_-. On a second playthrough I noticed there was a room off to the side I missed the first time, and stepped on a teleporter and then it was too late...
Second run went better, though it seems I have no real choices to make in combat (just fight or flee), so it turned into just mashing space a bunch as only the outcome (live or die) seemed to matter... This run, however, was ended abruptly by choosing the "exit" option from the party menu, which didn't exit the menu as I expected -_-.
Third run I managed to get all the way through, the entire set of runs took about an hour, with a 1-minute break to throw together a macro that'd send "space" key events over and over again until I told it to stop, which made the experience a bit more palatable. I'd liked to have something more interesting to do in combat, although by the end there had been so much of it, it's probably best that it was relatively quick.
I love that the only healer I ever had in my party was... the Demon Lord. He must not be such a bad guy after all.
Did I mention I love the visuals? =) Only gripe there was that the UI was a slightly different color (and, I guess had some gradients on the borders?) than the otherwise super consistent look. The duality swap was cool.