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3.30.0 was released to public 9 days ago has of this post on my end, but yes that seems to be the case. I think it may be the reason for the characters that recently underwent massive changes such has Merrybell.

So apparently on my end the apk it downloads is still the 3.29.0 which is actually the one I download first and use to check if new scenes are added (I don't really look at the changelog tbh), hence why I didn't notice that it was indeed supposed to be 3.30.0. Luckily it did download 3.30.0 for pc, however after attempting to unlock the new scenes, while most of them actually unlocked, for Puca either 1 scene changed and it didn't unlock or it relocked it for some reason (possibly due to a codename change, unless it's a bug in the new version), while the 3 new scenes didn't unlock at all either leaving 2/6 unlocked if we exclude 'Normal'. I don't know why it isn't unlocking the scenes for Puca specifically but I'll test and see what I can do, which is not much if I'm being completely honest so no garantees. I'll also update the profile.json in my previous comment for the time being.