Thanks for the feedback!
The hud/menu option should be solvable to an extent, make it not appear when the mouse is down.
You can also play the game with a keyboard, it's usually a bit slower than mouse but I think it beats touch pad by a mile.
Ah, thanks. Maybe I'll give it a try with the keyboard. I did see keyboard commands at the beginning, then forgot about them when everything seemed mouse-controlled.
As to the menu/HUD problem, sounds like maybe I didn't quite explain it right - and retesting it right now to explain it better, it's not quite as straightforward as I thought, it only happens in some places. The best example I've got is level 4 (since that's where I am right now) - the upper right corner has a 2x2 "room" with multiple channels coming into it. If I click almost anywhere in the top-left square of that room, (or within a 4x2 rectangle up-left from that square), the options menu opens (as if I'd opened the HUD and clicked the options button).
I hope that makes sense - if not I'll try to record a video or take a screenshot later to show the area I mean.
Interesting! I can't reproduce it at all so a video would be very welcome. Please send me an email at (probably best to not attach the video in the email but upload it to a cloud storage/YT, I am not sure if the spam detector won't be overzealous!) Or DM me on twitter @EvidentlyCube
I don't know if it will help, but I tried on Edge on the same laptop, got the same behaviour. Tried it on a Macbook in Chrome, couldn't reproduce (although I got a similar behaviour in a weird case that might be related if I expand the hud then quickly click below it).
The video that Nogodsnomaster posted looks like the problem I had, except I hit fewer "unseen buttons" (for lack of a better term right now), so I won't clutter up your inbox with a second one (unless it'll help). And if it matters (although probably not, since it sounds like you have an idea) - Windows 11, 22H2 22621.1555, Chrome 112.0.5615.50 here. (and in case the size of the game area might have an impact, 4K monitor, since that's just one non-obvious thing I can think of that's different between my two laptops where I tested it)