Would love to but already have a job as a data analysis which why i say what i said and where it comes from. Also i never said it was easy not once in that whole rant did i say it was "easy", whats "easy" is the ability of deduction and the steps used to take it which have been severly lacking in both your department and Jason's. You are held responsible for your actions, and excuses don't make the answers happen, action does and reaching out does. The crew i work with, if they cant figuer out whats going wrong they ask questions, gather info, and resolve the problem before continuing any further data inquiries. Pushing something out thats bound to have problems, on top of something that has problems is going to create more problems, simple fact. If its so hard and you are the only one working on it, YOU really need to evaluate what you are working on and ask is it worth it? Cause it sounds like your boss Jason doesnt give two shits, and you can only come up with excuse after excuse cause nothing is getting done. If it were me, id find a new job with a working crew who actually work.