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(1 edit)

you're talking about MC being chased by a crowd and wondering whether they forgot to put on their underwear? Tried it naked to see if you were right and it has the same effect as when wearing BDSM gear, the rusty metal on the left going down signifying a loss of respect but the notes show that my respect in the city is still at 5.

Yeah, that one can get you into the negatives. Outside of maybe you locked it from decreasing instead of increasing, no idea what else it could be.

update: when doing the ritual I discovered asking Lucien to jump in the water to fetch you if you don't come up after a while triggers a respect loss as indicated with the rusty metal on the left descending. I checked my respect points and I'd gone from 5 to 4, so my respect was not locked from decreasing. Then when repeating Bradley's fight and raising his lust before surrendering and getting banged by the entire Army the scene contains two separate respect decreases, and when I had checked my respect points again the level was at 2, however repeating this loss scene does not trigger more respect declines and it remains at 2. So now that I had confirmed through two separate scenes that I had lost three points I wandered the streets at night again both wearing the fetish gear and completely buck naked and despite the descending rusty metal on the left the respect remains at 2 and does not drop any lower. So it is this scene that is bugged and does not update the respect level accordingly. Apparently I'm not crazy and this is an actual glitch.