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I’m checking through the text again and I was wondering if you could share the whole thing with me so I could make grammatical changes or suggestions more easily.

There are a few nit-picky changes like adding commas and hyphens. Also a few times when you used the wrong tense.

Porcelain was spelled porcelian in the customization page and continues throughout the story.

On the “A cool breeze” page Subtle was spelled sublte.

On the Your favorite color is____ page if you pick a short hair style there’s a typo saying “easy it is take care of.” instead of “it is easy to take care of.”

If you pick to be a singer it says : You have a voice of angel and there needs to be a ‘an’.

On the Ebbot City hasn’t changed page, street lights needs to be streetlights, you need a the in front of the word mafia, and orphanges needs to be spelled orphanages.

(There’s a few more so far but I haven’t had time to make sure I write them all down so I’ll need a bit more time. I hope this helps!;^;)


On “The door bell chimes” door bell needs to be doorbell, discont needs to be discount, tuany should be tawny, a was should be in front of broken.

I've been trying to do an export of the file from twine but it keeps crashing. I'm still looking into it, as I really do appreciate the offer. 

Porcelain has been corrected. 

Sublte --> subtle

easy it is -- > it is easy to

an added

street lights --> streetlights

orphanges --> orphanages

door bell --> doorbell

discont --> discount

Thank you so so much for pointing this out! I'll keep looking on a way to export without the lines of code getting in the way of the draft. I really aprpeciate your help!

Thank you so much!!! Until then I’ll just do my best to keep track of where everything is. I try to write down which path I’m on, along with which choices I choose that’ll change the wording of said path. I absolutely adore your work and would love to take any load of your shoulders I can. Twine is a bitch to use for me so I gave up on it, but I’m proud of you for continuing to make awesome things with it!