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A member registered Nov 12, 2019

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Omg im in love! If you need any proof readers, please let me know.


Ya’ll have been working so hard and it’s both happy and sad to see it all come to a close. Thank you for this game. It’s been a beautiful experience that I always come back to.

fr.I wish we could help them out more than just finding the errors…

Dude, that sucks. :(

you are not stupid- a lot of people had trouble finding the key! you got this

Anytime, I don’t want to claim any of the passcodes; however, I’m always here if you need spelling or grammar checks. ^^

I’ll tell you the answer isn’t in this game :)

OK FOUND THE PASSCODE- I’m so glad I had a save close to that area in your other game. Your secret is safe with me. :>

omg wait- I know exactly where to find it now! Thank you-

For those wondering what Gaster is saying (Please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) : Ch 1 “I found you” “Come find me” “Come find me” (If you say you don’t want to leave the caverns) “NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO-” (It goes off the page) Ch 2 (If you surrender) “Thank you for coming” That’s all I got, now excuse me while I try to find the 6-digit code ;^;

Oh no- I had work and now I’m late for the new chapter! I can’t wait to play it!!!! ^^ Oh, and when I’m done I’ll go through chapters 1 and 2 a few times to try and catch and errors. Thank you for your hard work!

The storm bonus story was absolutely adorable! Thank you for that along with the harem route ending being so beautiful!

Lol, just remember to take care of yourself! Also if you ever want some Undertale dating sim recommendations, I’ve been digging for years and I’ve found some pretty good ones!

The effects in this game are awe-inspiring- you’ve grown so much with your abilities using twine since you started making these games, and seeing how far you’ve come is oddly heartwarming! ^^

You’ve been working so hard and I just wanted to say thank you, for all your work. They really make us happy and I hope they make you happy too.



Thank you so much!!! Until then I’ll just do my best to keep track of where everything is. I try to write down which path I’m on, along with which choices I choose that’ll change the wording of said path. I absolutely adore your work and would love to take any load of your shoulders I can. Twine is a bitch to use for me so I gave up on it, but I’m proud of you for continuing to make awesome things with it!

Hell yeah lets gooo!

On “The door bell chimes” door bell needs to be doorbell, discont needs to be discount, tuany should be tawny, a was should be in front of broken.

I’m checking through the text again and I was wondering if you could share the whole thing with me so I could make grammatical changes or suggestions more easily.

There are a few nit-picky changes like adding commas and hyphens. Also a few times when you used the wrong tense.

Porcelain was spelled porcelian in the customization page and continues throughout the story.

On the “A cool breeze” page Subtle was spelled sublte.

On the Your favorite color is____ page if you pick a short hair style there’s a typo saying “easy it is take care of.” instead of “it is easy to take care of.”

If you pick to be a singer it says : You have a voice of angel and there needs to be a ‘an’.

On the Ebbot City hasn’t changed page, street lights needs to be streetlights, you need a the in front of the word mafia, and orphanges needs to be spelled orphanages.

(There’s a few more so far but I haven’t had time to make sure I write them all down so I’ll need a bit more time. I hope this helps!;^;)

Take your time! If you ever make one then, hell yeah .__./

Why he kinda cute-

Around the time it was pretty common for men and women alike to be called handsome, so it could definitely work as a neutral ground. It was also used for women that fit the “Fem-fatal” statement. Though I see where you’re coming from with attractive being a more generalized term!

Weird question, but have you ever considered making a harem route?

Thank you!!!!

At the beginning of Papyrus’ route, the word orange is spelled range.

Also there’s another typo on Asriels route where he says Gerat instead of great.

Oh, also what program do you use to make your games?

the first time you mention the Black Swan you accidentally put the Black Swam

thank you for the wingding route! He deserved it! ;^;

I didn’t realize I liked being a dominant person until this game…hell yeah

Oh i never asked! Have you ever read the mafiafell comic Sooner or later youre gonna be mine?

omg yes! thank you so much for this, i love your work!

Same I’ve been at this for hours and even went into the files individually to try and see if i could change stuff.

holy shit i remember this game- now that i have an account in can finally say thank you this was awesome