Nice game, very atmospheric and beautiful to see
The gameplay works, I did had fun exploring these carverns.
The only little flaws were :
- No sound to inform the oxygen tank is about to get empty as the HUD hides while in free-look which is always kept on while exploring the deep blue, especially at the end with the big submerged grotto in which we have to explore each bit of it to find the next way to go
- I did accidentaly dropped a coin while trying to grab it and could not ever after grab it again, though maybe it was just bad luck and fell where the raycast could not reach it
- Autosaves so dying would not make us start all over again
- Informing us about using the freelook button to dive (unless I missed the instruction?)
Anyway, for the rest it's all fine, the gears offered is generous, we can manage to find our way without much extra help and the enemies offer a challenge but a well balanced one
A strong entry with a strong gameplay and visual