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Make what you will of this, but my first gut reaction seeing the screenshots (before even reading the text!) was “Oh this feels Earthbound-y”. Given that the Mother series is known to have a lot of humor and oddities, I think that’s a good thing for your game’s aesthetic.

Beyond that, the art is serviceable. I think the best thing you can do to sell the vibe is to keep putting in fun little elements to your maps, like that sign with a cow painted on it and the peeing statue (Is the pose on that a reference to Calvin and Hobbes? If so, well played).


That makes me happy actually given that earthbound is also one of their artistic inspirations . 😊
It's not entirely similar to earthbound obviously but I did want to keep the good vibes.
I'm glad I could convey the asthetic! 
If you know of anything I could make better, please do say! 

(And yes, it's referenced not only to the pissing baby statues but the general pose IS from calvin and hobbes)