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I haven't found the Mok ran yet but I love 6 direction games as well as instant movement so this one is right up my alley, the game looks, sounds and controls pretty good, congratulations.

The death sentence is still on the table but I did it. Mostly by chance, there's no way I'd map this (at least now that I managed to win once :) ), I wonder if letting the line forever is not better. Otherwise enemies not moving probably is the only thing which prevents the game to feel fully complete, but I already said it plays very well, it's a pretty good work.

(1 edit)

The compass is actually an objective marker but I didn't think to mention that in the tutorial until after submission. The cube is procedurally generated each time you spawn, so that could result in a tragedy for cartographers too.

Another fun bit of trivia about the objective marker is that it wastes around 30% of your framerate. Thanks for making it to the end.