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(1 edit) (+1)

Damm, this game looks gorgeous. All the mysterious atmosphere and the little story being told here are also very interesting, excellent job here. I also really love how polished everything feels, including even the most minor-ly relevant stuff like texts and the level transitions.

Only critiscism I really have here is that the controls are very unclear, I took  a very long while to realize that I had to press up to interact, and it really didn't help that on the beggining area you can only jump near the left ledge, it felt like the jump button was bugged or something, and I also took even more time to figure out I had to spam the button for the char to actually climb the ledge.

Other than that the game feels pretty good, despite being very slow, but I'm mostly sure this is intentional for the mood anyway. I'm not sure wheter or not I played the entire game tho, after the boat level the camera just zoomed in to the sky and left me there staring into a black screen forever, aparently softlocked. I waited a few minutes, but nothing happened other than the music stopping playing at some point.


Yeah, whoopsies, my bad! There was a whole 'nother level after that, unfortunately (xD)! I published at the last minute without being able to test my submission, but my little sister just tried it, and a world of problems was revealed. I'm glad you liked it anyway! I promised a janky experience, but hopefully I'll be able to patch it in just a few minutes! >:P