I eventually managed to beat the game, when the boss was lonely this only one time. I had ton of fun playing.
I never totally understood how Rage mode works, and it seems there's a little bug here and there which doesn't help with that (or maybe I really didn't understand anything). I also have no idea if picking a weapon does anything.
The game is gorgeous, the music is appropriate for half of the game, at some point you are enraged, kind of, and it does not really fit anymore I guess, clearly no big deal.
I don't mind for other enemies but I think it's not cool that the level of the bosses depends on your level, it is not like it's easy to grind anyway, with levelling up filling one bar while becoming sparser and consumables being finite, rewarding the player at the end for managing to level up would have felt appropriate to me. I also don't like the delays, especially that you need to wait a bit after the end of the enemies' turn before being able to attack them. Yet I had a lot of fun with the combat, finding the right road and getting closer after each restart (well sometimes not ;) ) and managing my consumables, good resource management here, to eventually manage to beat the game once.
Cool game, thanks for sharing.