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The first dialog message had a typo "ttutorial". The text on the messages sometimes overflowed the box so you couldn't read it clearly. The on screen controls overlapped the message window which looked a bit bad.

It's nice to see the weapon you're carrying being swung as you walk, although it perhaps needed to be more in view, or not at all, since it was so brief you couldn't tell what it was at first.

The animations on the enemies were very nice (Synty assets? - just checked your page, they are!). They seemed very small on screen though. It was good to see their health bar. You had a good variety of them in there, which was good.

The map is really, really nicely done. Having it clipped to the circle and rotate smoothly as you moved was great. Tab to see the full map was great too, although the scaling seemed off there, so it was a bit blurry.

We couldn't see how to bring up the options menu in game. We tried Escape and a few other keys but didn't see it. What was it?

The teleporter visual and effects are good.

Music was good, although a bit loud. A volume control would have been nice.

The camera angle is spot on and the movement was lovely and smooth. The controls just worked - well done.

Our main criticism was that the game only seemed to be about walking around a maze and killing enemies. We didn't encounter any puzzles or items to pick up. Maybe put more content closer to the start as an incentive to keep playing through to the good stuff. In a game jam review time is limited so you need to grab people early on.

Well done making such a polished and seemingly complete game.


Thank you, very detailed review. A bit harsh though, for a jam at least...

The options screen is O. I forgot to put it in the tutorial, but it is listed on the game page, both in the text and one of the images. It has a volume slider and lists all the controls.

In my defence, I did almost everything by myself, designing and building the levels, all of the scripting. The only thing I had help with was writing the dialogue. This was my first rpg, so practically no experience for this type of game. One week was simply not enough to learn all the new stuff and get everything working flawlessly. 

I plan on working on this game after the jam. I already have a long todo list, adding puzzles is already on it.

We really didn’t mean to sound harsh, sorry about that. We were just trying to give you some constructive feedback that you could use going forward. You’ve really done a great job with your game and we enjoyed playing it. Don’t let our review put you off. 😀