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A member registered Apr 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you. 

And I only started working on it 4 days before the deadline.... But, as stated in the description, the story and some of the graphics were already there from the dungeon crawler. I "only" had to extract the dialogue, reprogram it to Ren'Py, add the narrative parts and create some more graphics.

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I was looking forward to playing and rating the submissions of others and seeing how others rate my own, but there is no rating period?

In the overview for the it is stated that the games must be free to play during the jam and the two weeks after it ends, so I thought that those two weeks would be for rating. 

And of course rating would generate more view, plays, and comments of our submissions.

Doesn't work on my Windows 11 PC. It starts and the basic melody is there, but nothing happens when I press a key. 

Yes, I know, wasn't getting that sound, that's how I know I wasn't hitting anything... Just the two horses, one on the left and one on the right. 

Guess I ran into some bug that caused a loop or something.

W only moved me a tiny bit forward with hardly any sound. And only noticeable with the visuals. Turning with A and D seemed to work fine. I was able to open a couple of doors. The second door briefly gave some distorted noise, When opening it further no sound was played, but it was game over. On screen it showed I had opened 2 doors, the voiceover said it was 10.

It started off nicely, but... after a while it felt boring. The character kept rambling on and on and on and on.... And the choices... they didn't feel like they would make much difference anyway. I didn't play all the way through the end, just couldn't bring myself to do it.

The voice acting is good, though.

I love this. I don't play any instrument, this makes it possible for me to create beautiful music. It's very relaxing. 

Any chance for an Android version? I would really love to be able to play this before sleep on my tablet or phone.

I mean I could shoot, just not hitting anything. The horses just kept coming and going.

You can skip the intro by pressing Return. 

I agree that the voice is a bit too long between chains. I'll change it after the jam.

I kept this one simple because I didn't have much time. I was working on several other game jams at the same time. Even so, I learned a lot creating this game and playing the other submissions. For another jam I created a grid based dungeon crawler. The jam is over, the game still needs a lot of work. I'm thinking of making that one accessible for blind gamers.

I liked the story, but it didn't really feel like a game. There were only 2 times you had to make a choice, 9 times the story pauses and you have to press Return to continue.

I agree with another comment, the voice acting is terrible. This didn't help the experience at all. 

I think with some real voice acting instead of AI, more choices and less pauses this could make a nice game.

I managed to catch the first fish, but only because the instructions told me it was right in front of me. I felt it took too long to get to it. Also I couldn't figure out how the echolocation works. The sound changed a bit, but still not clear what the clicks mean.

For me there were too many sounds going on. And no indication for movement that I could hear, so it was difficult to navigate.

I like the dialogue and voice acting, but felt it was taking too long to get to to the actual game part. Nothing to do but listen to the voices bickering.

When I finally got to the action (rhythm part) it was unclear what to do. I tried for a few minutes but didn't get through, so I gave up.

I kept running into dead ends. It is not clear if the left and right arrow key move into that direction or turn. I'm assuming it's move, because I got the wall sound. But often when I tried to move back into the direction I came from there would be a wall. This makes navigating too difficult. 

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I thought I made the speech stop whenever you press a botton before it ends, must have missed that one. 

I didn't want the intro text to be too long, but I guess I should have made it more clear to test the sounds before you start the game.

I'll make sure to change both point after the voting period.

Great game, I liked it. However when I got to the market I couldn't hear my footsteps anymore over all the noise, so it was too hard to navigate. I gave up after a few minutes.

Sound overload!

At the beginning it was fine, but after a while it was too hard to hear where the sounds were coming from.

No matter where my mouse was, I could only jump into a blender and after that I was stuck.

It's a nice idea. 

I like the concept. At some point I had horses left and right, the sound approaching and moving off again, but couldn't shoot anything.

Also no way to exit the game other than reloading the page.

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Nicely done. Very clean.

The sounds are very similar, so I needed the visual aid to pick the correct one.

I made something similar for the jam. Not as polished as this though.

Super helpful. After watching the first video I'm inspired to make a dungeon crawler too. My game for this jam is super simple, I only had a few days to build something. But I will definitely make something bigger in the future.

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You can jump and hide at the same time. Hiding makes you smaller so you can fit through the smaller spaces. Might not be visible because the jump animation stays the same size.

You can also jump first, then move while in the air. 

With both you should be able to fit through all the spaces between plarforms.

Hiding also makes you smaller, so you can jump + hide through small spaces

Nah, I know I'm not good at this type of game. I doesn't really effect my rating either, maybe just a star less for gameplay.

I think I did use 'esc' to quit the run, but didn't find an option to quit the game. Had to use the 'Close All Windows' option.

The eagles definitely need some work. They are not balanced, mostly because I didn't have enough time.

I don't understand why others are saying it has nothing to do with the team. Didn't they read the description of the game?

I first found it too hard, not enough time to mix the colours. But then I read your comment about the name of the current round being the colour for the next round. Then it became very easy. And with that also boring. I let myself die after I got to 42 points.

One issue I found: On the leader board the names and scores don't line up properly because the #1 name is too long.

I liked the concept. 

Movement felt too slow. Also couldn't see the reds coming until it was too late to escape them. 

An option to quit the game would have been nice too.

I like the concept, but gameplay felt boring. All I could do was start the machine, wait for the footsteps, hide until boss left and rinse and repeat.

Same for me, can't play, can't rate

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Not my type of game, couldn't even get out of the first room...

Missing a quit option...

Nice game

Fun game.

As others said, would be have been nice to have some sound.

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Fun game, even though I wasn't very good at it :)

One issue I found is that I couldn't turn around 180 when walking into a wall. 

Oh, and no way to exit the game

The controls and speed weren't working for me. I either crashed to the ground or flew up way too high. Impossible to stay hidden.

Thank you, I will definitely have a look at those.

Credits are on the game page, with links.

I reached the man at the other side, which i supposed was the guy I needed to kill. But I couldn't figure out how to kill him.

Pressing 1 made me invisible, pressing 2 didn't seem to do anything, pressing 3 while standing next to him a red dot showed on the man but nothing happened.

Also I had a nice mouse cursor, but couldn't click anything...