Sorry for asking again. What are these genitals? Nb-people can be with different genitals same goes for intersex. Non-binary is a gender. Intesex is a group of different biological conditions internal and external. Wanted to make my mc trans-man an he was wearing "panties" and has breasts. Why not just make "p*nis or v*gina" and "chest or brests" options? Its confusing af.
Hihi!! I'm so sorry for not seeing your message sooner! I'm not usually active here >.<
But this has already been corrected in the upcoming 2.0 update for!! I was misinformed on the meaning of "intersex" by the people who suggested it to me, and I (stupidly) didn't do any research before adding it into the demo — so that's entirely my fault. I've since changed it to "hermaphrodite" instead to avoid any confusion!! I'm also non-binary myself so I'm aware it doesn't work that way, but I'm also dyslexic and generally scatterbrained, which is why I didn't realise I'd written the wrong thing in first place. I meant to write "non-specified", but had a brain fart moment and didn't notice it was wrong until I heard someone say it in a video ^^; It's also been changed accordingly though!!
But thank you for bringing this to my attention, and I'm very sorry if this affected you in a negative way while playing the demo. It wasn't my intention, and I genuinely had no idea until others brought it up with me ;v;