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I left a comment on this a couple years ago and I've just spent the last few days re-playing what I'd completed before and first-time-playing the chapters that had been added since then.

My comment then was positive, but I don't think I went far enough in saying how absolutely outstanding this game is. The worldbuilding, the character development, the way choices are seamlessly wrapped into the narrative -- it's all such excellent, excellent work. I loved every bit of my most recent playthrough and I could definitely see myself playing again and again just to pinpoint all the differences and nuances my choices make in how the story unfolds.

To cherry (I hope I'm not being overly familiar using your name!) I really want you to know that you've accomplished some masterful storytelling with this and you are an absolutely fantastic writer. I'm looking forward to future chapters!

(Especially after CH10's cliffhanger. 😭)


Thanks so much for this lovely comment!! I always love hearing from readers who were there in the early days coming back to see all the progress the story has made so far 💖💖💖