I really like that both Frasier and Skjold are so in opposition morally, one sees the others as a ruthless colonizer who stole their lands and acts as if they're pathetic people and the other sees unjustified hatred when his ancestors were in need of a new place to live in and did their best to protect themselves and the locals, great implimentation of manicheism into the plot.
I really hope tho that the MC will finally try to explain his situation and ask about the world he appeared in by the next build, cause if he's stuck in that area of not knowing anything, that's gonna make him an easy target, so I'm fully ready for the plot to unfold and the world to be build, especially if we can avoid the notion of romance into the mix yet, cause that would kinda ruin the narrative when its barely the start of the journey for our protagonist.
AND I hope we will get an MC that's not just knowledgeable but also smart and cunning, he's in another world where he can get killed just for being alien looking to a planet full of anthropomorphic sentient folks (and even hears a dude talking to him in his head and belittling him, SO might add that he would look insane to everyone), so it would be nice to see him having to survive by using his brain and being independant when he'll get all the informations he need to make decisions and not always depend on the charismatic and sexy love interest to do that for him and, going as far, as patronizing him when the mc is from a more advanced civilization, that would be a refreshing thing to see in a furry vn ^w^