Great idea using schrödingers cat for the theme. Was excited as soon as I saw the title. The travel between the two worlds feels very clean and the mechanics the two different dimensions bring are interesting.
Audio is very responsive. Every shoot, every moving block(btw, how the level builds itself looks cool) gives off a sound. The soundtrack that plays throughout though got on my nerves a bit.
Two things that held the entry back in my opinion:
-The movement. The duration of turns and steps are a bit too. This, added to the fact that one has to press the button over and over again didnt feel right to me. The player should beable to hold the button to contnuosly move forward.
-Death. There should be a checkpoint. getting set back to the beginning sucks, plus the slow movements makes it extra tidious to get back where you were. Once I died I didnt know what was hitting me and once I found out it was already to late because I turned so slowly.
Overall great implementation of the theme, good sound design and puzzles, though movement could be improved.