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Could you build this for linux? The 1.02 update crashes when viewing endings after the credit scroll. This did not happen on 1.01. This is under lutris wine

Sorry, Linux cannot be supported at this time.
The v1.02 Patch has only made updates to the soundtrack (the game uses .mp3 and .ogg files)
I also have not encountered issues using save files from v1.01, but I do not recommend using save files from previous versions with v1.02

Also, after the credits scroll for each ending, a .webm movie file plays as well.
If the .webm movie does not play after the credits, I recommend closing and reopening the game and playing to the credits again to get the .webm movie to play.

I am limited to testing on my own PC, so anything regarding how game files are opened/accessed on other computers may not be accounted for (for example, if your computer has rules set up for playing .mp4 or .webm files or requiring write permissions to write to save files for the autosave).

Just to update, the most recent patch v1.03 for Windows is now live on the store page, and among other updates, contains updated .webm movie files to address the issue you encounter after the credits scroll.

The "Play movie"-feature issue for the engine varies among different PCs, but hopefully this addresses the issue.

Thank you so much. I absolutely appreciate the quick reply!