thanks for dropping by!
there’s a direct installment following the 2 kids’ story called Holiday After Special and the Supermarket segment has its own game called Sorry We’re Open
Both are fully released and now available too
Thanks! I recommend making sure you have the latest version (v1.04) and, if you are still able to press X to bring up the menu to exit the game, try reloading your file. Or just exit/restart the game.
If the problem still persists, you may also start a new game; please note, how the game runs may vary depending on the machine.
Also note, save files from previous versions also may not function with the current version.
The game was made for Windows 7 and above, and also uses HTML5, Javascript, and PIXI libraries; be sure your machine has no custom settings for those libraries.
Hope this helps
The latest updates to my projects have had changes to the soundtrack. Apologies if the changes affect your experience.
You may find more info regarding the latest updates here:
there’s no wrong tape to give them, either tape proceeds the quest and they will always give you an item after.
With that item, you can actually now go to the computer in the department store manager’s office and go to the last tab in the Self-Help Program.
After that, go back to the npc in the car to get the Union Card
Given the state of Twitter, here are the attached statements to my previous tweets:
And the tweet from when the patches updating the soundtracks were applied:
Patches containing soundtrack updates are now live on itchio and Steam for the following projects:
- Sorry, We're Open v1.02
- Halloween After Special v1.1
- No Delivery v1.02
Thank you again for your patience
It's come up that it isn't immediately apparent as to why the commissioned soundtracks for this and my other projects were updated 3 months ago.
Please be respectful when mentioning or discussing this topic, and for any future reference, I'll place my stance here: short, I apologize if my games' original experience is hampered in any way because of the updated soundtrack, please know I have done my best to separate my games from this and their original commissioned soundtracks, and have been moving forward since I've been made aware.
It's come up that it isn't immediately apparent as to why the commissioned soundtracks for this and my other projects were updated 3 months ago.
Please be respectful when mentioning or discussing this topic, and for any future reference, I'll place my stance here:
In short, I apologize if my games' original experience is hampered in any way because of the updated soundtrack, please know I have done my best to separate my games from this and their original commissioned soundtracks, and have been moving forward since I've been made aware.
In short, I am no longer working with the previous composer and have already updated the commissioned soundtracks used in all my projects.
Here are my posts addressing the update to the commissioned soundtrack at the time and the steps taken to update all my projects since:
I apologize if the experience is hampered in any way because of the updated soundtrack, please know I have done my best to separate my games from this and their original commissioned soundtracks and have been moving forward since I've been made aware.
In short, I am no longer working with the previous composer and have already updated the commissioned soundtracks used in all my projects.
Here are my posts addressing the update to the commissioned soundtrack at the time and the steps taken to update all my projects since:
I have done my best to separate my games from this and their original commissioned soundtracks and have been moving forward since I've been made aware.
I apologize for any distress unearthing these facts may have caused.
Just to update, the most recent patch v1.03 for Windows is now live on the store page, and among other updates, contains updated .webm movie files to address the issue you encounter after the credits scroll.
The "Play movie"-feature issue for the engine varies among different PCs, but hopefully this addresses the issue.
Sorry, Linux cannot be supported at this time.
The v1.02 Patch has only made updates to the soundtrack (the game uses .mp3 and .ogg files)
I also have not encountered issues using save files from v1.01, but I do not recommend using save files from previous versions with v1.02
Also, after the credits scroll for each ending, a .webm movie file plays as well.
If the .webm movie does not play after the credits, I recommend closing and reopening the game and playing to the credits again to get the .webm movie to play.
I am limited to testing on my own PC, so anything regarding how game files are opened/accessed on other computers may not be accounted for (for example, if your computer has rules set up for playing .mp4 or .webm files or requiring write permissions to write to save files for the autosave).
You can use the Floppy in the TV at the Mall to get the scissors.
The VCR Box is given at the end of the Donuts Shop quest, just give all the Union Cards and they'll show up at the ending area to give it.
There are actually some guides available on the Steam page if it helps
There is a also a Save Data: Department item.
You can find it in the Butcher's Shop outside the Grocery Parking Lot (one of the bags behind the shelves in the back)
And the RPG Crafter game is in the Computer in the Home Store's Manager Office, in the "Documents" folder.
Just select the "Continue" option and you can select the Save Data there.
Basically, at the end of this quest, you'll be able to get the second Fabric Scissors from the TV in the mall.
You get the second scissors by finishing the RPG Crafter minigame in the Manager’s Office at the Home Store. You’ll then get an item to use in the Mother Mall to get the scissors.
In the minigame, you use those Save Data items that are found in the locations outside the parking lots of the other stores. Hope this helps