I loved the pixel art. The game was cute. I also can live only for 10 seconds without cherries.
Jokes aside the gameplay was very fun, Platformers like this where you can rapidly play over and over again are super fun. The important thing is you got the movement to feel snappy and satisfying. I think if you had time, some silly music would do wonders, but I also lacked the time to do music too :P. I do think the parts you could change to make it feel better would be the resolution and the text size. I couldn't maximize the window so the tiles and details were very very tiny. The level text is a bit difficult to read compared to the timer text. And if it was possible, I think there's just a tad bit too much screen space not taken up by the level or anything relevant to the game.
Some study in camera work and how the top platformer games do it would be a good idea for you to look at. I love watching Good Design Bad Design and GDC Lectures and I think there was one GDC Lecture just on types of camera movements and they looked at games like Journey. If you're interested in platformers as a specialty in game dev, I think those resources would help a lot! I always watch them on the side.
Anyways, it was a great game, good job on the jam!