Cool game! I like the pixelart and the use of a grapple for movement.
However, it's hard to aim properly and especially when multiple chained grapples are required. I think some sort of "aim assist" would help a lot.
Also, I feel an additional checkpoint is needed in the jungle level at the middle part where all the electro traps with enemies in the water show up. It feels unfair to get to the half of that hellish section and have to do it all again when you die. An "easy" mode with infinite lives would be nice too.
Oh and the game locked for me when I got a game over at the boss fight. Ina kept showing the dialogue that triggers at the start of the fight for some reason. It happened on 2 different bosses and all I could do is close the game. There was no message to retry or go back to the title screen. (see screenshot below)
Overall, really nice game! :)