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David Wu SoftDev

A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Cute pet simulation game!

I enjoyed taking care of the little Sapling as it grew and became a pretty flower.

The minigames are simple but fun too!

Some improvement suggestions:

-The "minutes" on the clock go up to 75, which is not how clocks work. It can be fixed by internally calculating the corresponding minute number 0->0, 25->15, 50->30, 75->45 and displaying that on the screen.

-After a while, the light projecting from the lamp stops showing. Not sure if intended or a bug.

-In the Whack a Sap minigame, the "cut" animation only showed the first time. After that it just hides the sapling on subsequent "cuts".

Good game!

Nice game.

Some of the levels had some very tight timings but somehow managed to clear them all.

Very elite.

Very enjoyable story! Got all endings!

Shioriiiin! XD

Somehow I only found this today.

Cute kitty texture pack! Great work! :D

I like what I see so far!

Keep cooking! :D

Wow! It's really cool to see new people enter the DOOG leaderboard after all these years! Congratulations!

(1 edit)

Interesting puzzle game.

It took me a moment to notice the "next" letter at the bottom left and was playing thinking it was purely RNG based. Finally managed to get a clear when I figured how things worked.

The special effect words are funny. The only one that was a bit too annoying was the "censored" one. I had no clue where to click to make it go away.

Some improvement suggestions:

- Pekora's voice lines are loud compared to the rest of the game sounds and music. Consider lowering them a bit.

- A settings screen would be nice, so the player can change BGM, sfx and voice volume to their liking.

- (edit) The game can trigger 2 words in one letter drop, which feels unfair. For example if you drop an E between P and RR it counts both PER and ERR. I'd only count one of those and leave the other alone, since the second word can't be formed once the first word letters are removed from play.

Good game!

Great work on the game!

Very nicely done otomo art and great work on the details such as the "spin to win" reference and the otomos that pop up when clicking.

I managed to get 271 points!

The only improvement suggestion I'd give is to make the crosshair a bit more visible. I kept losing it in the middle of the action due to the combination of horizontal scrolling and the striped background. Somehow it blends in after a while playing.

Fun game! :)

Don't forget to add the "hololive" tag to your game for better visibility in the search! :)

I'm glad you're enjoying the game. :)

The art and animations are nice.

UI is pretty good too! Shiori's yapping animation in the corner is so funny.

The backgrounds are great. Not sure if they're sketches on purpose of just because there was not enough time to render them, but they fit the narrative nicely as is.

I couldn't figure out what the items I picked up along the way were for. Do they give some kind of buffs?

Pretty straightforward platformer with enemies to slay, items to pick up and a fun boss fight.

Some improvement suggestions:

- Make sure your game canvas scales to the window instead of making it a fixed size, so it works on different window/monitor sizes.

- The foreground and background blend too much sometimes and it's hard to know what's an obstacle. The particles help to identify platforms but it should be clearer. Using brighter colors for foreground elements helps.

- ERB's walk cycle doesn't fit well with her movement speed. Looks a bit floaty.

- I'd love to see ERB fully animated when jumping, falling, taking damage, etc.

- I suggest changing the camera behavior from "lag behind" to "move ahead" of the player.

- The attack sfx felt a bit weird. I was expecting a higher pitched sword slash.


- Flying enemies try to attack even if I'm vertically far from them.

- The camera movement is jittery. It probably has something to do with the timing for updating the camera position.

- Shiori's narration box has a vertical slider but I could not interact with it, so the last line was partially hidden.

- The game seemed to keep going in the back after I got the end screen.

Overall, good job the game!

Funny game!

Gura's model and animation is great!

I had fun exploring and discovering the corrupted entities in the room.

Couldn't clear the boss fight though. It feels like you have to do a perfect run before the boss to survive long enough, which I couldn't do.

Improvement suggestions:

- The hitbox detection feels a bit wonky. I'm hit by attacks that happen in a different lane than the one I'm standing on, which makes it impossible to dodge them.

- The camera sometimes doesn't follow Gura.

- The tranquility level feels like it goes down too quickly. The game could use some difficulty fine tuning.

Good game! XD

Very nice game! The visuals are great, the ambience is there and the gameplay is engaging.

I would be interesting to see this developed further into a full fledged game with a story and more hololive specific references (for example attack names, items and so on)

Improvement suggestions:

- UI is a key element in the game but it doesn't scale well on ultrawide displays. (the reroll buttons are not under the right cards)

- Definitely need to have a separate animation or effect to distinguish healing from taking damage.

- Fallen characters should have their card reflect it in some way. It could be a different portrait, card position or an icon on top.

- In the talent selection phase, I wish I could click on a selected talent to unselect them if I misclicked.

- I'd love some display options like VSync, fps limit and windowed mode.


- I started a fight with 2 characters with 0 HP but they could still perform actions.

- Misspelling the talent names is a sin! They're IRyS (capital R) and Raora (not Raroa).

- I landed on treasure spaces but got nothing(?) and instead triggered a fight?

Nice environment and great animations! Cute Gura voice clips too!

The gameplay is short and simple. I managed to lose and win once.

Improvement suggestions:

- Windowed mode should allow for resizing the window or have a predetermined list of resolutions to pick from.

- Enable V-Sync or frame cap the game. It doesn't need to run at 200fps.

I liked the cute character art!

The story is also well narrated. I didn't follow Ina's POV during ENReco so I think this is an interesting and different way to enjoy it!

Oh and the music is great too! It changed to the match the scene tone, most of the time. I feel the first shrine scene probably needed a more ominous bgm to match the darkness in the place and fear of the unknown in the characters.

Interesting use of sanity to determine the story path.

Improvement suggestions:

- Include more activity variations for the sanity changes and make the effect on sanity not visible to the player (eg: hide the +1 / -1 text) so the player chooses guided by their own feelings/gut instead of focusing on numbers.

- UI elements could use some polishing.

- The UI doesn't scale well in ultrawide displays.

- Small bug: After the call, Elizabeth's sprite stays on screen for the rest of the game. I chose to think she became the narrator and read all narrator lines in her voice. XD

The references in this game are great.

However, the game feels too much like a reskin of Papers Please. I think it should've been given its own visual and sound identity. Since it's supposed to happen in a convention, I feel the colors should been a bit more vibrant instead of the depressing grays of the original game.

I got one of the endings and it was kinda bloody lol.

Improvement suggestions:

- Text is hard to read in a small window and there's no option to resize the game. On a large monitor this is a problem.

- When you get a penalty, it doesn't say what was the mistake.

- Sometimes the dialogues go by when I'm not paying attention. I wish there was a way to display previous dialogue lines.

- There's no option to select rules from the rulebook to point out missing documents.

- A save system that allows for continuing from the last day you played. Even if the game is short, it's a bummer if you need to go do something in the middle of the session or if you just want to try a different route without having to redo the whole thing from the start.

I liked the well crafted enemy waves, variety of types and the boss fight!

I also liked that each character ship has a unique playstyle. The weapon upgrades felt nice too.

Having the screen texts change to German if you play as Kiara was a really nice touch!

The hidden characters are... very hidden XD. Without reading the manual it would be really hard to find them in regular play conditions.

Improvement suggestions:

- I think the sprites need a bit of work. They're great for a solo developer in a time constrained jam, but if you decide to expand/polish the game afterwards, this is a good place to focus on.

- The medals system needs to be explained better (and in the game, not in a text file). I got a poor score on my first clear and only managed to enter my initials on my second run when I went after the hidden characters after reading the manual spoilers. I didn't even clear the stage but got a high score lol

Good work!

Can you send me a screenshot of what you see in the browser?

Also, what browser are you using? I'm trying to gather as much info as possible. Thank you!

Nice work on the character sprite animations.

I like that you give the player options to use different abilities depending if they have equipped the trident or not.

From the map, it seems the game may get a lot of content to explore in the future?

Unfortunately I couldn't play much of the game as I had to give up at the second wall jumping section. I just couldn't get to the top and got tired of trying and falling.

Some improvement suggestions:

- Pressing "Continue" without a previous save game sent me straight into the map. I accidentally skipped the tutorial level by doing this the first time and was super confused. Make sure that option is disabled until the player has actually played the game at least once and set some kind of checkpoint.

- The wall jump definitely needs improvement. One shouldn't need to be a pro player to simply climb a wall.

- Player feedback can be improved when taking damage and when hitting enemies. Health bars or damage numbers are good ways to convey that.

(1 edit)

Great work on the cutscenes and the lovely 3d models!

Very interesting battle system! It definitely needs some kind of tutorial to explain the player has to perform an input at the right timing! I couldn't figure out how to do a multiple combo though, if that's possible.

The story looks like it could be interesting. It's too bad it's only a very short prologue.

I found a possible bug: The EP bar (EXP?) stays at 100% after leveling up to level 2. In the character stats screen I can see the EXP is still going up after each battle, though. I kept going until level 3 and it still showed as 100%.

Looking forward to see what you can do with your project after the jam!

Edit: I just noticed you also included a Japanese translation of the UI and the dialogues. Very cool!

The music and presentation is really good!

The timing on those attacks is very tight but rewarding when hitting the perfect horizontal angle.

Improvement suggestions:

- Sometimes in the dodge minigame, the floating pickups move completely horizontally and spawn too high to be touched by the player, which is unfair.

- Sometimes a ball spawns very close to the player which give little time to dodge.

- Improve player feedback in the fight sequence. Just adding a small text reading "Hit!" or "CRITICAL HIT!" when landing an attack would help a lot.

- Add an in-game tutorial to explain a bit better the fight mechanics.

- Some backstory or narrative to let the player know where we are and how we got into this fight would be awesome too!

Good job!

Cute art! In line with the guwa theme. Lovely tutorial pictures.

I love the transformation into Gawr! The hunter becomes the hunted! Hahaha!

And after you beat the game you included an endless mode for endless fun. Awesome!

Improvement suggestion:

- Replace the default looking UI buttons with clickable images. That will add some polish to the visual presentation of the game. owo

Nice 3d models and fast paced action! The music was also pretty good!

I beat the game but I don't know if I did well or poorly.

Some improvement suggestions:

- Make it possible to hold the button to autoattack.

- The bloom effect is way too bright. Tone it down a bit and maybe add some color. It was flashbanging me the whole time.

- Different enemy attack patterns would make the game more interesting.

- The scoring system needs to explained better. It seems defeating enemies as Red Gura reduces the score?

- There's no way to know how well you're doing in the Kronii fight. Adding a boss health bar would help.

- Since you've included a settings screen, don't forget to put volume controls in it.

- The environments definitely could use some variety. Adding some vertical dimension to the levels and the enemy attacks would help a lot to make the game feel less repetitive.

Short and sweet investigation game!

I almost could hear the talents voices when reading their dialogues in the game. Especially  Korone's laugh. Great work there!

Some improvement suggestions:

- I would really love to see the interviewed talents animated or show different poses depending on how the dialogue goes.

- Of course, I'd like to see an ending cutscene showing how the crime happened. (and how the perpetrator got hurt haha)

- You've listed Mococo twice in the credits... is it because Fuwawa is only in Mococo's imagination? XD

I imagine you ran out of time to include the animations and the ending. Since you have the 3D models, it's mostly a matter of time to animate them and add them in. It would add a lot of polish to the game!

(1 edit)

Very nice visuals and enjoyable takodachi follower army.

Getting lost the first run and finding out about the sanity refill at base was a nice way to learn how to play.

It was also interesting to read the little bits of story in the lanterns.

Some improvement suggestions:

- Going around in circles I end up interacting with the same lanterns after a while. It would be nice to have some kind of visual marker to know which ones are new and which ones were already seen.

- Corruption sources should give the player some kind of feedback to know if the takodachi are working on it. Eventually the thing becomes smaller, but I feel it would be clearer if there was a little UI donut filling up as the work is done.

- I don't know why Discord showed me as if I was playing a different game when I launched this.  Edit: I did some googling and it seems this is a Discord issue and not the game's fault. Other UE games are being detected by Discord as that game for some unknown reason.

Thank you for the improvement ideas.

Space was thought as a side minigame to spend excess Hope Stones and do some rng rolls to eventually get the upgrades. It's not meant to be a full game on its own. However, I'll see if I can expand it a bit in the future to make it more enjoyable.

Hmm.. at this point I'm suspecting it is your PC.

Could you provide the tech details? CPU, memory, OS version, language

Thank you.

Cool action game with a good number of combo moves and a variety of attacks/skills!

Playing with a controller is recommended!

I like the idea of having Shiori get stronger magical powers as the corruption grows in her. Good job on the visuals and the gameplay.

As I've seen some comments mentioning the 2 weeks time, I have to point out some of the logic is probably recycled from your previous game Yagoo May Cry, such as the combo system, the enemy wave system and the UI. It's not a bad thing, but I had to point it out so other jam participants know there were some building blocks ready before the jam started and don't set unrealistic goals for themselves thinking everything was built from zero in the 2 weeks of the jam.

Small bugs I noticed:

- Changing page in the options screen doesn't change the focused UI element, causing navigation issues.

- After defeating an enemy, the lock on doesn't turn off, causing Shiori to move facing an invisible enemy.

Would be cool if the game can be expanded or merged into your other game Yagoo May Cry!

Some of the platforming was a bit tricky to do as I found myself jumping too short into a clone's face instead of over her head. Skill issue I guess.

I eventually reached the end and also cleared the bonus level, which was a nice showcase of the holo EN models.

My favorite moment was the tower of Ame. Just endless Ame clones turning evil below your feet, chasing you up relentlessly. Scary stuff! Hahaha! I fell down from the top platform a couple of times though, that wasn't fun. With no shadow it was hard to aim and I basically bounced off the platform when I fell on the edge.

I wish there was more to the game, but it's a good start!

I like the cute intro animation and the unique art style!

I had fun spamming the tridents and making what was basically a controllable snake to shield me from the Chumbud waves. Didn't really need to move Gura at all.

Improvement suggestions:

- Add a scoring system and save the best score!

- Add an upgrade system. If you reach X score, maybe the trident can be made larger or move faster!

- The UI buttons could be a little bigger.

- I don't know if it's my monitor aspect ratio, but sometimes the tridents seemed to spawn offscreen instead of on top of Gura.

Nice entry!

Nice work on the character sprite, although Miko's size is a bit inconsistent across animations.

Nice implementation of platforming mechanics such as wall grab and jump. I also liked the secret "pockets" in the levels.

The references in the background of the stages is also a nice touch and the title screen was really well animated.

Improvement suggestions:

- I understand having the player penalized if they didn't collect all the items in a level, but doing it without dying is a bit too much. Secret or hidden items shouldn't be counted either.

- Getting all secret/hidden items and clearing the game without dying should grant a special ending, but it shouldn't be a requirement to enjoy the game normally.

- Reverse controls in a platformer is not enjoyable. If it was a temporary debuff it would be fine, but permanently is a big no.

- Some sound effects seem to play a bit late. They may need some work in the audio editor.

- The title screen doesn't scale well on an ultrawide monitor. I couldn't see the buttons to start the game. :(

I hope the team adjusts the penalty after the jam so I can play it again and experience the rest of the game. It looks like a nice and fun game but the reverse controls just killed the fun for me.

Good job on the song arrangements and the beatmaps! They were challenging to play.

Improvement suggestions:

- Better balance of character sprite size on the dialogue sections. They look a bit too large. It would also be nice if they looked at each other when talking instead of all looking to the right and if the dialogue box didn't cover their faces.

- Improve player feedback in the rhythm game. The "Good" "Perfect" and so on, should be more visible and impactful.

- Improve player feedback at the end of a song and make corruption level more evident. At the end of a level I had no idea if I did it well or missed too many notes. The classic letter ranking C>B>A>S would work just fine.

- There's no final score screen or a good end / bad end screen. I felt like all my effort was in vain. My last score I managed to check on my screen was 139k or something. I don't know if it was good or bad.

- Some instruments felt a bit too loud in the mix. Especially the trumpet (saxophone?)

- Speaking of loudness, a volume control would be great for a music centered game like this.

- When there's many consecutive bloops in the center lane, it's hard to time them right due to the perspective.

Overall a fun entry. I didn't expect to see a rhythm game at all! XD

I enjoyed the narrative and the little references included in the apps and the clicker game.

Speaking of clicking, thank you for adding the keyboard alternative. Now it's my left hand that is sore instead of the right hahaha.

That ending was unexpected! What happened to all the acrylic collection?? Noooo!! XD

Good job on the environments and the 3d acrylic standees. And of course, the ton of memes. I also liked the detail of slowing down the videos as the PC gets more and more useless stuff running on it.

Improvement suggestions:

- Please add Vsync to your game. Uncapped frames use a lot of GPU power unnecessarily.

- I personally would prefer less clicking or some kind of alternative to get points without having to do the same thing over and over.

I liked the win screen art!

The play progression is not explained but it can be inferred by trial and error, which was nice.

Improvement suggestions:

- Audio. A free BGM and simple sound effects would add a lot to the game.

- Maybe some kind of intro to show how Red Gura ended up at the bottom of the lake and why Blue Gura is fishing her out.

Good job for completing this in 24 hours or so!

Cute intro sequence! I wish it had audio so that the start of level 1 doesn't jumpscare me with the suddenly loud BGM. XD

A couple of bugs I found:

- The jumping creature in level 2 doesn't completely return to the ground after each jump, slowly moving higher and higher until it can't be reached by Fauna's shots. The only way to get past this part is to restart the game.

- Losing in the boss fight makes it impossible to clear level 1. Even if you clean all the corruption, the level never ends.

Improvement suggestions:

- It would be nice if there was a second boss attack pattern.

- Fauna's gun only shoots horizontally. Having vertical aim and placing targets high in the air would be interesting.

- Having different shooting modes would be a nice addition. Short range but wide spread like shotgun or long range but single shot for different target types.

Nice and short game. :)

This game is mesmerizing to watch.

Just making a maze of converyor belts that transport goods and makes them better along the way is so satisfying.

I liked the corrupting minigame too!

Improvement suggestions:

- It would be cool if you can expand the corruption minigame to more complex levels with stronger opponents. Maybe the stronger the opponent, the better the value of their addition to the production line!

- Add some kind of goal. Maybe divide the game into levels and give the player a money target to reach within X minutes. Each level adds more mechanics, conveyor belt pieces and opponents.

- In-game instructions for each part. Maybe a little hint window that pops up when a part is selected in the construction toolbar.

Super fun game! XD

(1 edit)

Thank you for troubleshooting the game.

I'm sorry about your savefile! Hmm... at this point I can only think that the savefile somehow got corrupted and the game gets stuck waiting to read a value it never finds. I'll check the save file loading code and see if I can add some safeguard against unexpected corrupted data.

Edit: One more question: When the game got stuck on the black screen, was it before or after it shows chibiRyS downloading screen?

Thank you so much!

Very fun game!

I don't know if I managed to use all the available tools efficiently, but it was super chaotic and fun. I couldn't beat the 3rd level, but that's okay as things got crazy fast. Loved the faunamart website!

I'm not sure how the CC app helped but I liked spinning it. XD

Very good job! Hopefully you can expand it with more apps and different kinds of Crotana behaviors.

One of my favorite entries of the jam!

Great work on the modelling, the animations, the music and the combat design!

Definitely felt that souls-like boss experience with the constant death and retry. XD

I managed to defeat her but I don't think I'll go for the no damage achievement.

Super solid game. Didn't find any bugs or things I didn't like.

Cute character sprites and animations.

Some improvement suggestions:

- Add sounds! Just a BGM and simple attack and jump sounds would improve a lot the game's feel.

- The condition to get to the boss is not clear. It would help a lot if there was some kind of progress bar showing how many takos saved versus required.

- There doesn't seem to be any reason to jump up the platforms. Maybe consider giving the player buffs for reaching a high platform.

- Is there a game over screen or is it just the boss dialogue at the end?