I played this a few days ago actually but was trying to gather my thoughts before writing anything. As someone who's begun suspecting their own neurodivergence over the past year after it was pointed out to me, this hit me quite a lot and drummed up a variety of feelings inside of me. I really enjoyed how we were able to take the conversation in a way that did feel OK -- that we weren't, for instance, limited only to the choices that made me feel icky inside 💦 (Though I did play through those less-than-ideal options during a second playthrough just to see the direction it would go/responses.)
The art was incredibly lovely!! You have such a lovely thick-lined style that brings with it a sense of simplicity but also,,, hmmm,,, nostalgia in a way??? It's hard to explain. But I felt like it worked really well with the overarching vibe of the game. And the setup with Juno on the screen was very nice, with the room the shelves and such in the background. It was all just very polished feeling and well done.
I went and read your devlog as well and really loved reading about your thought processes behind the game and how you made it!! Overall, I thought this was an incredibly poignant piece that kept me thinking about it for multiple days afterwards. I still think I haven't really been able to get my full thoughts out in these words, and for that I apologize. Somehow the words are not forming very well??? But I wanted you to know that I really enjoyed it 💕