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A member registered May 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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I'm interested to see more! Not finished but still a super interesting concept with a lot of potential despite being a little hard to play at times.

Thank you!! I really appreciate it!!

Love the vibes as a surreal art piece! I was going to explore the game and just type random numbers until I found stuff but I quickly realized I was more interested in seeing the video clips. Would've been nice to have some clues that lead you from one channel to the next! Overall really neat work!

I really loved the concept and the game design so I wanted to get far in the game but I didn't understand how to read the lines so I could only get as far as I could while throwing salt with the left click, holding the amulet and occasionally trying to press every button on my keyboard at once. Really amazing atmosphere, art, sound design and vibes! I was thoroughly creeped out!

This game reminded me that I'm not all that good at platformers haha! Still great fun! The movement felt a little slow and I feel like it would've been useful if the checkpoints activated automatically, I hadn't gotten close enough to them to activate them so I kept dying and going back to the beginning in the second level. Besides that, this game was fun and the light mechanic was very unique! Also quite forgiving when it came to checkpoints which is something I needed quite badly since I am not very good at platformers. Great work!

This is a great concept that you should definitely work on more! I was a little confused by what to do but for one week of development time, there is a lot of potential here! The aesthetics were great, the music and sound design were also amazing! You should definitely spend more time fleshing things out, adding animations, tutorials and more clarity about what exactly everything does but I really liked what I saw so far! Great work!

Not gonna say anything that reveals too much but I was very pleasantly surprised by this game! Fun and silly while being morbid and bleak with fun little puzzles and animations! The twists and turns and potential choices to make were a really nice touch!

This was really neat! The sound design of the character movements and shooting sounds was really satisfying while the background music and the enemy's noises was really unnerving. The enemies themselves looked really frightening in a very unique and mechanical way, matching the environment but also remaining out of place and very disconcerting. The graphics also had a really great old-school look to them, feeling familiar but new at the same time and the colour palette was really well done.

I didn't realize the movement was going to be point-and-click at first and that was a little confusing to start but I quickly got the hang of it and found the switch from movement to shooting to be an interesting change of pace every time! I did however find it a little hard to back out of fights once I was in them because of the movement controls but I think that just added to the tension and was probably more of me being stubborn and trying to kill an enemy I had no chance against.

The only real problem was that the restart screen after you die didn't work for me and it seems like it didn't work for other people commenting either but that would be an easy fix and didn't detract from the game for me.

Great work! Would love to see a longer version with save points/check points and more of those little cutscenes! What amazing work for one week!

Interesting game but I found it confusing. A how-to-play page or screen might've been useful. I couldn't pull up the pause menu because I was playing the game fullscreen in browser. As much as it says the goal and what certain items do in the description of the game, usually I just jump right into a game so having the how to be a part of the game would be nice. I also felt like the flashlight didn't work sometimes?? Like there was a specific range where the flashlight would slow the spikey monsters but the flashlight seemed to speed up the larger monsters no matter how far away they were. Giving the player some ability to either fight back or maneuver around the monsters whether that be a health bar or maybe the flashlight could be turned off when you encounter the larger monsters. The ending also felt a little anti-climactic after how difficult the game was, if there was an ending screen that was a little less similar to that of the normal game over screen other than just the colour, that could've been a little more interesting.

Thank you for all the kind and thoughtful words!! It means a lot to us as a team and we're definitely thinking about expanding this one as it means a lot to all three of us! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I’m glad you enjoyed it!!

Thank you! Wakayrd is a very talented artist and we're all very proud of the game design!

Thank you for all the feedback!! We initially did want to implement endings but because of the time frame that ended up being scrapped. The max accuracy is 3! I’ll put that in the description. Since there’s 6 characters and 3 cards per character, I just made accuracy score divided by 6. So max accuracy is 3 haha. 

I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed the game! My team loved making it and we definitely have been thinking about making a longer more complex and detailed version with endings, more complex readings, extra features, and dialogue instead of the opposite readings just being the other choices that you didn’t pick. Hearing that someone liked the concept enough to want to play a longer version makes me definitely want to pursue making a longer version with more cards, characters and other things! 

Thank you so much! I’m grateful you sat down to play my game and I’m glad the metaphor hit well. Also I’m happy my dev log inspired you! I plan on putting Juno as a character into an expanded project so hopefully I can make that nuance carry over. 

Thank you, mum!

Thank you so much for checking out my game! You have genuinely no idea how much this sort of feedback means to me. I’ve always just wanted my games to connect with people in a way that makes them feel seen and understood and your comment makes me feel that goal isn’t too far fetched! Thank you so much for the feedback and I’m so happy you enjoyed the art! I was really proud of it so I’m glad it was noticed. 

Thank you again for the feedback, I really truly appreciate it :) 

Thank you so much! I really tried to put as much effort as possible into the content of the story.

Thank you so much!

Hello, I was just wondering if you can put a character creator into your game just for choosing pronouns and name and such for the character to be referred to or if that would be against the prompt. 

Thank you!

I know you only had a small amount of time to make this but I absolutely love it! You did a phenomenal job and the writing made me chuckle. The art is adorable and the characters are really great!

Im happy you liked it! 


I got the submission in on time! I was very careful to make sure I did! 

This was honestly the most fun I’ve had during a game jam. I joined late but despite only having 9 days before the deadline when I joined, I made the most of it and I worked hard everyday to make sure my game was exactly what I wanted it to be. I ran out of time to draw backgrounds but I would honestly love to make this game even better in the future, I love it so much. 

I’m so happy to have had the opportunity to make Devil’s Deadweight a reality and I might use the random game tool to make more games in the future outside the jam. It provided me with a lot of inspiration from a really unique source. 

Here’s my game if you want to check it out:

Thank you! I will watch! 

I’m so sorry that I missed it! I don’t check itch enough :( is there a vod by any chance :)?