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(4 edits) (+1)(-7)

TL;DR: A very nice little VN, too bad they are locking the gay romance option behind a paywall.


The visual style is obviously great. Character expressions are very nice and easily readable, and there are enough character states to convey all emotion the script prompts them to show, which is often a problem with VNs, so it's good to see it's all fine in that department here.

The writing is very competent, easily one of the best VNs in that regard I've ever read. I wouldn't be opposed to buying a book version of the story - that's how good I think it is. That said, it IS a bit overly verbose in the introduction sequence - the author got carried away a little setting the scene, but the writing quickly gets itself together as soon as more characters appear. 

Characters are well-written and easy to sympathise - you want to see them react to events and interact between each other, you want to hear what they have to say. And they don't have the VN curse of doing dumb things for the sake of propelling the plot, because, like I said, the writing is competent and the author knows how to gently prop characters to move from point A to point B without making it seem artificial and forced.

The music is... uh... I actually don't remember any music besides the credits. So, um... Either it's very unassuming or it's just not there, not sure. Either way, the VN is definitely NOT getting any extra points for music, that's for sure.

A very big negative side for me was the fact the developer somehow messed up and didn't properly assign character voices as voices, so the ear-piercingly loud "BEEP-BEEP!" that's supposed to be protagonist's voice is controlled with the same slider as all sounds. Hey, maybe they also messed up and set up all music as general sounds too - that'd explain why I heard no music, as I had to turn the general sounds slider all the way to get rid of the BEEP-BEEP.

There's a not-secret alternative universe gay romance route available, but it's has 4 precise conditions, which means there are 63 ways to complete the VN in the current state without catching a whiff of the route, and only 1 way to get it. My advise is don't torture yourself, either look up the solution in the comments section right here, or just press the "get me to the secret route" button after completing the VN.

Oh, and obviously I'm very UNHAPPY with their decision to put said AU gay romance route behind a patreon subscription on the next chapter update. Either sell the whole game or make the whole game free, what is this weird content butchering? Who does that? I'll tell you who - the people I don't back. It's a vile practice and I won't support the game till it's gone.

(1 edit) (+4)(-3)

You make it sound like the paywall is something disastrous. For $3 it's a steal. There is nothing wrong with the author putting it behind a paywall especially one as small as this one. smh to think I almost took your review and comment seriously, HAH!

Edit: locking the option behind a paywall is inaccurate, the game is tailor made 16+, gay romance option would've launched it into 18+ categories, there is absolutely nothing about this that's a paywall, it's legit simply an additional route and option that requires payment, by definition that's a DLC...


If the Olympic Games had a mental gymnastics discipline you'd take gold.

They put the gay romance behind a paywall? Girlie the vn just started there will be routes in future updates if they're made. The AU is just a small bonus and even then it isn't necessary for the whole vn experience. And all this without even considering what will happen when the vn is complete. Having free updates with a paid extra route is so much better than the alternative of making people pay for each update *Cough* Kingsguard *Cough*.


Just because there are worse ways to handle it doesn't make this one good.  

They are essentially selling a DLC before the game is even in the beta.