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A member registered Feb 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Spoilers for the ending





I'm gonna need about 5 sequels to this vn filled with just the day to day lives of Zancer, Red and Bruce and them being the power throuple of all time

I know there's no chance in hell that someone on the team will read this, but I'd love to do some artwork for this vn! Whether it be sprites, or CG's I'd love to contribute in someway. If you do somehow end up reading this send me a DM on my twitter that's @ChilledCowcao

I just started playing and I feel like theres gonna be a mega twist where Lucas is gonna be the big evil villain who planned for Nick to get powers

(Spoilers and critique of the new update)

Honestly this VN is amazing. Easily one of the best but Tate's route just felt the weakest to me. It was all going really well up until the Protag and Tate go to the tribe Tate grew up in. It started great but kinda fell off near the end with Tate's identity and name crisis being solved within the chapter which makes me less interested in what his route holds in store cause his arc already felt complete. But the worst part of the route for me is the borderline defending of slavery. Especially since it frames the Protag as in the wrong for feeling empathy for a slave. And after that whole mess with the slave, it makes me weary for how this vn will treat the Protag because so far, he just reads like a complete punching bag with not much of a personality. I mean no offense at all with this and am begging on my hands and knees for you to not delete this comment. What I wrote at the beginning of this still stands. This is one of the best vns I've read, and I hope it only becomes better and better. It's just the bad things about this vn I've noticed makes me worry for its future.

And like the music cutting out to like that's when I knew I was in for a treat with this vn. Looking forward to what this vn's future has in store.

Unpopular opinion but I'm gonna say it. This VN is LEAUGES better than Adastra and Echo could ever hope to be, and it should be just as, if not more popular than both.

Shirokoi switches which VN he works on every few updates. He'll go back to it soon, likely after he completes Sissel's route.

You're damn right! I fuckin love this game!

They put the gay romance behind a paywall? Girlie the vn just started there will be routes in future updates if they're made. The AU is just a small bonus and even then it isn't necessary for the whole vn experience. And all this without even considering what will happen when the vn is complete. Having free updates with a paid extra route is so much better than the alternative of making people pay for each update *Cough* Kingsguard *Cough*.

This game is playing Ping-Pong with how much my opinion of Bruce is changing.

I need this vn injected into my bloodstream.

This might just be a difference between countries, but I read the date as the update coming out in October. 

This might be my trauma from Remember the Flowers talking but I do not trust the wolf in the slightest.

The fact that Hiro's route isn't fully written, drawn and out yet is a hate crime towards my feelings.

I just wanted to read the vn cause of the buff wolf daddy. But now I'm traumatized and he's a twink

After reading though this vn after the new update I realized that Loken shows a lot of neurodivergent (specifically autistic) traits and as an autistic person myself I actually really love how Loken's autism is portrayed not as a good or bad thing but just Loken being Loken. It's quite a respectful way to portray it. Though is it intentional?

(1 edit)

My petty ass to Bryan after the end of the update

I hope I wasn't the only one who's first thought upon seeing Mr. Baker was

M O M M Y  M I L K E R S

The fact that Hiro's route isn't fully complete and published yet is a hate crime to my feelings.

Is there some kind of guide on how to get on each path? Cause I'm not smart enough to just big brain guess what passwords to say (or not say) on what days.

Does anything actually happen if you win the chess minigame? Or just the satisfaction of winning?

What's the name of Pierre's theme? It's been stuck in my head but I don't know where to find it.

Rest of the game: Soft happy wholesome friends and cuddles

Tourlf update: DEPRESSION✨

The absolute chokehold this vn has on me already. You should consider a patreon for this game I'd definitely donate!

I've thought about this, and I wanted to ask, will you be able to romance a character or just have sex with them and remain platonic?

Instead of sparing with Cedric talk to him, it gets you negative points at first, but you get more positive points after the talk.

I think the devs either forgot to put his development there or they didn't put it in intentionally because Klaus' route is a "secret route"

Being honest, first seeing this vn I was a bit standoffish about it but then I played it. This vn is truly fantastic and I love each of its characters and each of their personallities bounce off of each other very naturally and the banter is great. I've only played through Red's route so far, but I am very excited to see where this story goes. Keep it up!


Spoilers for Tyson's route









I've been playing through Tyson's route, and I was kind of annoyed that Dave did nothing when Orlando punched Tyson and yelled at him since the poor hyena has been through a lot and seeing his best friend punch his boyfriend just felt like it was the time for Dave to snap and yell at his friends that he's a grown man who doesn't need to be babied. It just feels like a very annoying part of Dave's personality for me that he's so annoyingly passive and just never gets angry. 

Just played the new update, I love Adrian and if anyone hurts him, I will turn them into human sushi.

If Kane dies, I will cry.

Being completely honest at first Lyre felt a little same-y to other vns of this style (Adastra and FBTW as a few examples) but wow did the ball scene and this update really change that for me! The way that the MC and Lyall's relationship bloomed, the unexpectedness of what happened to the king and especially what happened in this update really feels like this visual novel is carving its own identity and I am very excited to see where this story goes next!

I don't know what this means but I agree 100%

Spoilers for build 27









Kane most definetly has a crush on Ben and I am all here for it... Though is it bad I want there to be a path split off where you have the option to hang out with Kane more

Spoilers for the end of chapter two








I know we just met Brad but I really hope he turns out to be good and not just pretending to be nice to the MC to prank him later it would be nice if his route had the MC help him break ties with his toxic friends and embrace being himself.

(1 edit)

 Something's wrong I can feel it

Did you have to call me out like this?