I really like the art. Just the opening alone feels really cool with the shadowy trees and the ominous sky.
One nitpick is that I feel the torch should have had some sound. After a while it started to feel weird to be holding a dead silent torch. Also, its easy for people to miss the description of the game as they have to click to view the game's page to see it. If I didn't I would have been rummaging through the dark. I feel the torch could have been equipped by default.
One other thing is that I couldn't install it through the itch.io client because you didn't mark the uploaded files for the game for windows. It gives me the "build undefined" error for reference.
I appreciate the puzzle mechanic with the keys and doors, its common for atmospheric games like this to forgo much in the way of gameplay.
I honestly couldn't figure out how to get past the barn area with the hay. I didn't know what to do with the buttons.
Overall fairly polished game.