Pretty promising demo, but there are several issues that should be fixed in the full version, especially if it’s going to be a paid product:
- If you get too close to a piece of furniture, the light behaves strangely.

- If you get too close to a lamp, the character teleports on top of it. If the lamp has a small hitbox, a possible fix would be increasing its height to match the room’s.

- The procedural generation aspect is really interesting, but I had an issue in one run where it spawned a cupboard in front of the baby face you use to win the level. A possible fix here would be placing the baby head and collectibles right after the rooms are generated, store their positions and place the furniture props while making sure they are not too close to the previously stored positions.
- This is probably just me, but the camera feels a bit too wobbly. I actually got a bit dizzy after 10 minutes of playing. An option to just lock the camera to the protagonist would be nice.
- The enemy roster feels a bit samey at the moment, but it’s probably because it’s a demo. Some ideas I thought of: an enemy that patrols a pre-defined path in a room, another that constantly chases the player but runs away if you stay close to a light, and a fake arm that alerts nearby enemies if you grab it.