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Utter and complete sadness...

The girls are amazing! No broken ankles, no pig toes (you know what I mean from other games) and very nice posing. House design is nice too.


1. MC is a useless piece of shit of a man. If he was any more beta he'd lay in a ditch and wait for death. I often thought the person writing the story is a 15yo virgin girl, and the one doing art -her father (penis envy syndrome)

2. NO MAN talks that much!!! He needs to discuss everything with everyone and if there is no-one around, he talks with himself or with his dream self. Jesus! Gag him already! And by the way he makes decisions (or lack of) tie him up too and let the girls have their way with him, coz if we wait for his initiative it'll be 2030 game ver 84,9!!!

3. Umm choices? what choices? A single button that says "Look at her butt" isn't a choice. Even when there are 2 buttons the game takes you to a single outcome anyway! Talk about control freak script writing...

4. Initially all Asian characters are dyed greenish yellow.. Later they turn grey. All look like aliens eitherway. I'd say it's mistake on art coloring, but the treatment is similar -submissive, parents offer their daughter to be fucked, the daughter is "shy" when it suits MC but she's not shy when it comes to anything else. And Meiko is the WORST looking char in the game. She looks like she comes from a Chinese family of 9 daughters who all got married except her! The leftover. Almost as if setting her up to be the maid we fck at will. It's not something you can put your finger on, but you keep getting racist vibes al over and it doesn't feel like you have a cute Asian girl as option. Feels uncomfortable AF

I wish the whole game had the mentality of Rebecca and not feel imprisoned in a useless asshole's struggle with himself!

Oh, and btw.... He's NOT related to any of the girls, they are ALL adults, and there's nothing illegal -as he often suggests- or immoral about it. Granted they lived together since they were 10 or 13 (depending the girl) but every guy in that situation would have checked out their asses occasionally even if he didn't say anything or act on it. Especially around their age of 14-15, which wasn't far from when he met them. Impure thoughts would have been there the whole time, even to the most pious man.

So give us a break with this whole "i would NEVER do that" thing and the "I'd go to jail if anyone knew". Anyone? Like who? You have no friends, the girls have no friends, and if they did you would try to snake in with questions like " what are you guys talk about? Where are you going? What will ytou do?" etc..

Beta spineless gossiping lazy control-freak self-illusioned but lucky AF Frank -I hope someone in that game company tweaks you for next releases and at least gives you a choice to fck SOMEONE on your own will.

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I dont see that it does actually add an realism. If anything, the way the MC acts makes me wonder if the Dev is a woman who has never really known a man emotionally. The character started off as someone you could feel sympathetic for but as the story has progressed, you just come to despise him as a weak subservient individual.

wow you were able to say all the problems at once

but please calm down first you know

there are a lot of updates in the future that will come 😉

and these problems are only here bexause the game is "young" compared to other games

but you are speaking the truth though 

if you want chad with horse c o ck and is just smashing everything theres plenty of that dribble else where sir