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I think this works nice as a tech-demo, it kinda gives the idea for what you are going for and how. Overall I did have fun jumping around, but I was sad to see you couldn't crawl inside the cat-house or whatever else tiny places a cat will definitely attempt to go. Walking on the wine bottle holder was accurate tho lol. I wish there was a proper indicator that you could open the doors too. The cat is still very cute. 

Anyways, I think if you hone the movement and camera movement, give some sound effects and alike this could develop into a nice demo of a interesting game and even further ^^ Good work so far, it's always hard to predict how much work a game needs. 


The placeholder art that we had, I was not sure how to make it so the cat could get in all the spots including under the tables and couch plus between with weird cubbies of the table under the tv. I feel with the doors and windows, not sure how a cat would go about that, I feel a proper indicator like you said, I got the best idea for that now for the future releases. I promise I will figure out how to get the cat in the cat house one of these builds.


It might be lot of work getting all the details working on where the cat could go, but it's one of those things that would set your game apart from others. Of course, knowing cats, they will find a way to get into any and every hole, so maybe keeping it simple and not going too overboard is good too ^^ Anyways, good luck for the future!